How to give feedback employees will hear?

A busy professional has this question regarding employee performance reviews.

She asked:

  • How to give feedback employees will hear?
    What are some tips for giving effective feedback?
  • What are the barriers to hearing and understanding feedback?
  • When giving feedback, how can you make sure employees get it?


Who needs the feedback the most?

These are very good questions.  Before we answer each of them, lets review some reasons employees need constructive feedback.

  • They are doing well but seem too comfortable in their current position. They don’t seem to have any desire for advancement
  • They are average performers but are essentially falling behind because those around them are excelling
  • They are excelling
  • They are performing below expectations

As you can see, the need for employee feedback isn’t isolated to those that are not performing as expected.  Exceptional, Above Average, and Average employees all need constructive feedback.

Setting the stage

Giving an effective feedback starts with understanding your employees’ goals and career objectives.  Once you understand the “why” the employee comes to work – the better you can connect the feedback to their goals.

For example, if they want to eventually lead the team or become a manager, then focus on the skill sets that will help them achieve those goals.

These business commitments or goals need to be agreed upon at the start of the performance review year.  These documented PBC (Personal Business Commitments) tie the individuals role/responsibilities to the company goals.  Everyone understands how they can individually contribute to the company’s success.   These PBCs can then be reviewed several times during the year and before the official performance review.  Setting the stage in this manner makes feedback easier, because everyone involved understands both the employer and employee expectations.

These business goals need to be S.M.A.R.T. (Specific, Measurable, Achievable/Attainable, Relevant and Time bound).  With SMART goals, it’s very easy for both the employee and manager to agree whether the goals were met or exceeded.

Barriers to hearing

The most prevalent barrier to hearing and understanding feedback is our mindset.  The moment your supervisor releases a perceived negative comment, we automatically go into defensive mode.  Our brain immediately will find situations that negative what was just been said or provide detailed reasons/excuses for the events.

Best advice is to continually focus on the SMART goals or commitments set at the start of the year.  Use the agreed upon PBCs as your starting point.  Since your PBCs will have specific metrics and goals in place for each performance commitment, it will be easy to determine if the criteria has been met.

For example, If one of the PBC goals was to standardize code reviews in the development team to reduce delivered defects to test group by 30% – and the employee (team leader) still does not conduct regular code reviews and the defect rates to test group are on the rise – all you need to do is share the past defect rate and current defect rates.

Then simply ask the employee if he/she feels if they have met that particular goal.

Repeat this until all the PBC goals are reviewed.

Making sure employees get it

Once you and the employee have agreed upon the status of the PBC goal, ask their opinion on where to go from here.

For instance, if the employee agrees that the team did not meet the defect rate goals – he/she also agrees that standardized code reviews would have caught a number of these defects by simple review – and therefore would have been fixed prior to sending to the test team, you can now start a discussion on where to go from here.

The discussion is focused on working on a solution together. Perhaps it’s unrealistic for the team to take the time to gather and code-review each other’s work.  Perhaps there isn’t enough time in the schedule to detail code review.  Therefore perhaps the next assignment is for the team leader to investigate and recommend a development tools that automatically code reviews. The mandate then becomes 80% of all the code review defects are fixed before handing to the test group.   Perhaps the new PBC is to automate the unit tests going forward such that a set of automated acceptance tests are run before handing off to the test group.    Then the development teams continually add to the unit tests as they go along.

As you can see – these discussions then become the foundation of their next PBC SMART goals.

Keep them involved

At the end of the day, keeping your employees involved and engaged in their own career development is key.  Although the above examples were technical, this method also works on soft or people skills.

What is the best way to advertise a forum on a niche topic?

A busy professional has this question regarding branding and marketing:

What is the best way to advertise a forum on a niche topic?

I have a forum on a niche topic. I am advertising the forum via ads (Although some of the keywords have low quality scores, they are all very specific to this niche).

Now, do I directly link the ad to the forum home page, or add some high quality article/posts around the ads? Does this matter?

Thanks in advance for any help. I didn’t find the right answer from searching the internet.


Whether you are marketing your forum, book, website, product or service, you can use similar marketing strategies.  But a successful marketing strategy has lots of moving parts and tools.  I recommend doing a combination of things:

  • make sure your “ads” are on brand with a consistent message
  • create engaging and compelling content (blogs, articles, posts, videos, vlogs, etc)
  • opt-in offers (valuable information through eBooks, white papers, webinars) to collect contact information of the people that you are attracting with your offers
  • create a Facebook around your forum – to start engaging and creating your followers
  • give speaking engagements about your topic with door-prizes to collect the contact information of the people that you are attracting with your topic
  • keep your CRM (customer relationship management) up to date personally contact them with emails or newsletters
  • with everything that you post or release – include links back to your forum

Find similar forums that share your target market

It will take time to create a following from scratch.  Therefore, investigate or go where your target marketing is already.  For instance, if your target market is parents, you might want to visit or guest speak at forums for single parents, divorced dads, and other topics that interest your same target group.


  • investigate what your competitors are doing.
  • reach out to complimentary forums and engage with those groups that share your target market/followers
  • invite guest speakers to your forums that have already have their own followers. This will introduce you to their followers.

As you can see – there’s no 1 thing that you do. There’s a never-ending list of things you can do to market and expose your forum.

To help narrow your focus, clearly describe your target audience or personas.  By deciding the age group, interests, income, hobbies, and lifestyle – you can better focus your marketing strategies to get the bigger bang for your time and budget.


Do you need a logo and brand before selling?

A busy professional has this question regarding branding and marketing:

Do I have to have a logo and brand before I start selling my product?

I have a limited budget and am eager to start selling my products to get some revenue. Should I allocate my budget towards advertising/sales right away or do I need a logo first? I’ve read that a logo and brand is really important, but I’m not sure if it’s important enough to put it before sales.

No, you do not need a brand/logo designed prior to selling products.  In fact, there are many cases of businesses starting up without logos. It takes time to actually figure out what your brand and message will ultimately be.  While you are figuring out your brand, start selling your product; continue to research which message works best; and figure out  what your brand will actually stand for.

The simple truth is that branding in the start-up stage can be counter-productive. It’s at this stage that you’re learning the ropes, making mistakes and as much as you might strive to do the opposite, making customers unhappy. In cases like this, it’s best that your brand is not strong so that you can ride through it and develop your processes, before developing your brand and locking your logo into people’s psyche.

Once you’ve got a good handle on your business, find someone whose experience and sensibility match your vision to help you.  Hiring an expert in branding will save you much rework and issues in the future.

A strong identity is an important factor in establishing brand recognition and lending credibility. A well-designed identity also helps in attracting the prospective audience you wish to engage.  Investing in brand experts is a good step.  But until you figure out who you are, what you do, who you do it for and why, you are simply wasting your resources.
Hopefully this helps

Things we can learn from Shark Tank

SharkTankThe popular TV reality investor program, “Shark Tank” can teach us much about the perfect sales pitch. The investors on “Shark Tank,” and investors ask several specific questions to get the answers they need. Some are straightforward and some are not, but you would be wise to have excellent answers for the following.

Here are eight questions that every entrepreneur should consider before pitching:

  1. What are your sales?

You really need to understand your numbers. And just knowing the dollar figure isn’t enough. You need to be able to articulate where these numbers are coming from, on what platform, are they driven by promotions, and what sort of partners are you working with? Is the marketing working? What does it cost to produce? What are your expenses?

Know your sales information inside and out. The number better be good and growing. They also want to understand what your plan is to keep it that way. You should have a story about how expanding to new geographies, new product lines, or online has boosted or can potentially boost sales. The investors are profit-focused, and the more a business can scale, the better.

Their primary goal is a return on their investment.

  1. What do you bring to the table?

Investors are not only buying into your business, they’re also investing in you   Highlight your record of success, industry experience, or why you’re dynamic enough to justify taking a gamble on.

People do business with people they know, like and trust. So, what are you doing with your business already that is going to make them want to partner with you? A strong personal story or a great narrative about the business, along with strong presentation skills, goes a long way toward impressing your investor.

Know what you bring to the table, and be confident in that.

  1. Why do you need our money?

Investors want to know what your next steps in growth. Answer the question “What are you going to do with this money?” in such a way to help the company grow and scale rapidly. This could include building manufacturing, hiring, or marketing. Spell out exactly what the plan for the funding is.

  1. Why the big valuation?

One of the first questions the investors often ask is “How did you get to your valuation”. The Sharks are interested in a big equity stake in a promising company for the least amount of money invested. If you are asking a large valuation, you better be able to explain your justification.

  1. Is your product unique? 

Several of the Sharks are interested in patents and licensing. Explain how your product is unique. If it is unique, make sure it’s protected via a patent. More often than not, if your product and service can be duplicated quickly by other competitors, it’s going to be hard to get an investment.

Knowing what sets your business apart, and how it can be protected against competitors is absolutely essential.

  1. How much debt do you have?

This goes back to “know your numbers”. If there’s a large amount of debt, be able to justify it, and know the terms it’s been borrowed under.

  1. How much inventory do you have?

Excess inventory is a sign that you are not moving your product fast enough. This is a clear sign that the market isn’t interested in what you have to offer.

Remember, the investors are interested in a quick return on their investment. Excess inventory is dead weigh because you’ve earned zero return on it.

Being able to produce products in response to demand is a sign of having good data, a good sense of the market, and a good supply chain.

  1. What are your costs?

Investors want to gauge your ability to make high profit margins by keeping costs low or having enough demand to keep prices high, or ideally both. You should be able to explain what it costs you to make each product or service, and the difference between that cost and the unit sales price. You should also prepare to outline overhead costs, such as rent, utility expenses, and insurance.

Less Frequently Asked Questions – but you will do well to be prepared

  1. How much of your own money do you have invested into this business?
  2. How does this business scale?
  3. Are you willing to send production off-shore?
  4. How will your product be distributed?
  5. How do we get this to (or find) your target market?
  6. How many competitors do you have?
  7. How many total owners are there?


If you know the answers to these questions as they pertain to your business, you’ll be in a good position to make your pitch to any potential investor.


How can I get credit for work I’ve done that someone else took credit for?


Today’s comment came from a busy professional and an entrepreneur:

How can I get credit for work I’ve done that someone else took credit for?


There are several versions of this issue. Your employer could have taken credit for your work; your co-worker would have taken credit for your work; and your business competitor could have taken credit for your work. In all three versions, the solutions are very similar. Let’s take a look at each.


Your employer could have taken credit for your work

If you are dealing with your employer or company, you need to check your contract with them. Most employers pay you for your work. Therefore, even though you did the work, they own the results. This also includes any patents, published books, etc that you have authored during your regular work hours.


  • Check your agreement with them.

If they have paid you for the work, they own the piece. Review the contract or employment agreement. Most times they state the ownership expectations.


  • Keep records on authenticity of the work.

If you can demonstrate your authorship in a time sensitive way then that will clarify who came up with the ideas first.

  • Talk to them.

It’s always best to have a heart-to-heart with them about the issue. Often times it’s a miscommunication or misunderstanding. More often than not, the offending party (once realizing their oversight) will do their best to amend.

Once again – it goes back to what you agreed to in your employment agreement.


Don’t have an employment agreement? Use that one-on-one (heart-to-heart) to co-create one on the spot.  If you would like to keep your intellectual property rights, include that in your agreement. This will eliminate similar issues in the future.


Your co-worker would have taken credit for your work

It’s important to realize that ideas are free. It’s what you do with the ideas and the results of your efforts that matter. Often times many people have the same ideas without “stealing it from others”. They may experience similar situations that lead you to those thoughts. They may have been working in the same field or shared the same background that leads you to those same thoughts. Just because someone ends up with a similar solution doesn’t necessarily mean that they stole your work.


In either case, preventive medicine is best. It’s much harder to correct, after the damage has been done.


  • Continue to share your work progress with your manager on your regular one-on-one meetings. If you are transparent with your manager, then he knows who did the work on this project.


  • Keep good records on your designs.

If you can demonstrate your authorship in a time sensitive way then that will clarify who came up with the ideas first.


  • Talk to the co-worker about it.

Perhaps it was just a coincidence and perhaps you can collaborate on the next steps. Also share the fact that you have been sharing your project progress with your manager all along. If your co-worker is knowingly taking credit for your work AND they know that your manager has been involved in your work – it’s likely they will back-off.

What if it’s a business competitor that is taking the credit?

  • Consistently place your copyright or trademark on your work.   This is one way to illustrate authenticity.
  • Keep design records of your concepts, prototypes, etc. This will help if you decide to go through litigation.
  • Talk to them about it. Perhaps some type of affiliation or partnership can be derived by this synchronicity of ideas.


It’s much harder to correct, after the damage has been done. Therefore, keep good records, copywright your work, and share early prototypes, demos, and specs with trusted individuals.  If you are in business, ask those individuals, you are sharing your ideas with, to sign a NDA or confidentiality agreement.


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Should I focus on just one niche customer group initially?

Hello, this is Laura Lee Rose – author of TimePeace: Making peace with time – and I am a business and efficiency coach that specializes in time management, project management and work-life balance strategies. I help busy professionals and entrepreneurs create effective systems so that they can comfortably delegate to others, be more profitable and have time to enjoy life even if they don’t have time to learn new technology or train their staff.  I have a knack for taking big ideas and converting them into smart, sound, and actionable ideas.


At the end of the day, I transform the way you run your business into a business you love to run.

Today’s comment came from a busy entrepreneur:

Should I focus on just one niche customer group initially?

I have been trying to get feedback from my ideal target audience but I am finding the group hard to reach. There is another target audience that could benefit from my service. I am not as passionate about that group but I think they may be easier to get feedback as I build out my business. Should I focus on both or only one?


I recommend that you focus on one target audience. But I also want to caution on your method of reaching those people. If your method of reaching “people” is ineffective or flawed – then it doesn’t matter how many target audience you go after. Maybe it’s not that the group is hard to reach. Maybe it’s the way you are going about it. If the ladder is true – then you will have the same difficulties with the second group.
My recommendation would be to study up on the most effective methods to reach your target market. Find other business owners that are successfully marketing to that same target – and find out how they are doing it. Start partnering with complimentary business that shares the same target audience. Business network with those who are already successful in marketing to your target audience. Learn from those that have achieved what you want to achieve.

Periodically re-evaluate your target niche

Be watchful on who is attracted to your products and services. There may be other groups interested in your products or services. For example, Chris owned a Curves Club for women.   She wanted to have her club hours during the day (9am-1:30pm and 3:30pm-7:00pm). This makes it difficult for younger, working women use her club. She didn’t want to extend the hour, so she mostly marketed it toward retired women.

But if Chris takes a second look at her niche, she could expand it to include:

  • Mothers with school-age children
  • Women who owned their own business
  • Women who worked from home


Keep the end in mind that your products and services will evolve. Therefore, your target clients will also evolve and change. Review your product funnel strategy to see if different product levels will attract different clients.


For more information or help on this topic, please contact


Or sign up for a complementary one-on-one coaching call, just use this link


How can I grow my business with more services?

Hello, this is Laura Lee Rose – author of TimePeace: Making peace with time – and I am a business and efficiency coach that specializes in time management, project management and work-life balance strategies. I help busy professionals and entrepreneurs create effective systems so that they can comfortably delegate to others, be more profitable and have time to enjoy life even if they don’t have time to learn new technology or train their staff.  I have a knack for taking big ideas and converting them into smart, sound, and actionable ideas.


At the end of the day, I transform the way you run your business into a business you love to run.

Today’s comment came from a busy entrepreneur:

How can I grow my business with more services?

My recommendation is to take the time to design your Product Funnel Strategy.

product funnel2Product Funnel Strategy

Within each separate brand – you should have a product funnel strategy that leads your target client up your product/service pricing structure. Normally people start off with free samples – to allow the target client to get to know you (like a first date). You may offer a complimentary discovery diagnostic sessions, newsletters, articles, short audios/video for your services.


Then you create some low, mid, high end offers that align with your brand and message. For example, you can create group workshops, subscriptions based programs, one-on-one service programs, and then high-end product bundles with some affiliated partners.


The idea is to design your road-map of how to start attracting people down that funnel. People may be first attracted to you and your message via some free offers, blog articles, free how-to videos. Then you will want to introduce those people (already taking advantage of your free services) to your lower or mid-range products like a subscription based program, a group consulting/mastermind program, a group workshop series, etc. Then you use your mid-range products to lead some clients to the higher range programs (which can be bundling of several products and services together)
If you take the time to create and design your product funnel upfront, you can better market and up-sale your business.

How do find the time to create these products/services?

Keep the end in mind. Whenever you are working with a current client, find ways to productize that effort. Build these programs as you go along. Reuse and recycle your intellectual property.

Some examples:

  • When someone asks you a question – convert your answer to a blog, an audio, an article, a webinar, a video
  • When you are working one-on-one with a client – create a worksheet, workbook, template or checklist
  • When you create a webinar, convert it to an online course with your webinars videos, audios, worksheets, etc
  • Then start bundling these different products and programs together for the higher priced programs.


Keep the end in mind. Reuse and recycle your intellectual property and keep it in line with your brand and message.


For more information or help on this topic, please contact


Or sign up for a complementary one-on-one coaching call, just use this link

Tips for working with Contractors, Consultants and Remote Workers

Today’s question came from a busy professional regarding working with contractors.

What are your best tips for collaborating with team members who are available only on a part-time basis or who work remotely? Please share concrete tactics instead of tools.

One of the best tips is to explicitly state your expectations with any contractor, consultant and remote workers. This can be in the form of a contract, an understanding of service, and even your employee Personal Business Commitment (PBC) in which your performance is evaluated against.

Simple Transparency

Understanding how your contractor or consultant works best will alleviate lots of problems and miscommunications.


  1. You have hired Kelley as a part-time contractor. You are frustrated with Kelley because he hasn’t responded to any of your Monday emails. Unbeknownst to you, Kelley has scheduled his hours on Tuesday and Thursday for your company; and Monday, Wednesday and Friday with his other contract.   If you had taken the time to understand which hours/days Kelley was devoting to your company, you would have avoided this problem.
  2.  On Mondays/Wednesdays/Fridays, Kelley works from a different computer and with different email addresses. Kelley’s preferred method of communication is via mobile-text. This way he can easily communicate with you, even if he is on the other job. If you had known this upfront, you could have easily mobile-text Kelley that you just sent him some information via email.


Quick Checklist

These are some of the things you need to discuss with your contractor, consultant or remote employees:

  • Hours they are working
  • How much work (and what type of work) will be completed in those time periods (i.e. their project schedule)
  • How best to reach them in an urgent situation; in a normal situation; or just for status
  • What staff/status meetings they will be attending
  • How they are going to report their status
  • What is going to be included in their status report
  • What their delivery deadlines and quality requirements upon delivery
  • How quickly do you expect them to respond to your requests
  • What happens when they do not meet these expectations

The bottom line is to outline everything that you feel is important to you, and understand (up front) how your team is going to accomplish those items.  Get it in writing AND include the consequences of not meeting the agreement.

For example – if they do not meet the agreed upon schedule:

  • Do you intend to dock their pay?
  • Do they complete the assignment without additional pay?
  • Are they placed on a PIP  (Performance Improvement Plan or probation period)?

I know your situation is different. Why don’t we schedule an appointment, where I get to know more about your unique situation? And then I will be happy to make recommendations on what your best steps are moving forward. To schedule an appointment, book it HERE.

How do you deal with the pains of customer service?

Today’s question came from a busy entrepreneur about his customer service plan.

How do you deal with the pains of customer service?

I work in the hospitality industry, and I spend a lot of money on what I call “guest investments” where I give some sort of discount, free merchandise, etc. in order to win back customers when something goes wrong. I can’t tell if it’s working or if I’m throwing money away. How does your business deal with the challenges of customer service and keeping people happy?

This question came up at a very appropriate time. I had recently discovered that my bank offered a “Private Bank Level” for clients that have 1 million dollars invested with the bank. At that level, they receive premiere customer series and 24 hour concierge service.

Consider doing this with your own customer service strategy. In an earlier article (Should I have specific segmented brands or one brand that does all at different price levels?) we discussed the Product Funnel.

Product Funnel Strategy for Customer Service

Give low-interaction help instructions for clients that are taking advantage of your free products and services. Low-interaction help instructions can be in the form of (but not limited to):

  • FAQ articles and cheat sheets
  • Community Discussion Groups
  • Email response within 2 days

As the client invests more in your products and services, they get more access to support.

Structure your customer service as a product line of service. Give premium service to the people that are actually doing the most business with you. This will transform the “pain of customer service” into a product or business of customer service.

Customer Referral and Loyalty Programs

Also, don’t wait until there is a problem to implement your customer service program.   Be proactive with customer referral and loyalty programs. Visualize your product funnel in there area and incorporate rewards programs based on the amount of business your client is currently doing with you. Use your rewards program to entice your customers to do more business or move into the next price-point of programs and service.

Creating a great referral/loyalty/retention program not only elevates your customer service focus and energy – it automatically solves the “pains of customer service” as well. Take time to clarify what your Mission Statement and vision is regarding Premiere Client Service. Start dealing with clients instead of “customers”. Start building raving fans that will ultimately market your products/services for you – and simply release the customers that do not fit in your plan.

One Size Doesn’t Fit All

When you clearly identify your niche or target market, some people will not fit. When someone doesn’t fit, there is only one thing that will make them happy. That one thing is to release them and direct them elsewhere.   This is where affiliated partners and business referrals come in.

You are still providing customer satisfactory solution – it’s just not with YOU. You are still making the client happy.

Quick summary:

  • Clarify your Vision of your target or ideal client
  • Create affiliated partnerships with those clients that are not ideal
  • Design a referral partnership agreement with those partners
  • Design a referral/loyalty/retention program for your target/ideal clients

I know your situation is different. Why don’t we schedule an appointment, where I get to know more about your unique situation? And then I will be happy to make recommendations on what your best steps are moving forward. To schedule an appointment, book it HERE.



Are you sure you are indispensable?

Are you sure you are indispensable?

Hello, this is Laura Lee Rose.  I am a speaker and author. I am an expert in time and project management.

I help busy professionals and entrepreneurs create effective systems so that they can comfortably delegate to others, be more profitable and have time to enjoy life even if they don’t have time to learn new technology or train their staff.  I have a knack for turning big ideas into on time and profitable projects.

At the end of the day, I transform the way you run your business into a business you love to run.

I recently watched the episode of Grey’s Anatomy in which Dr. McDreamy Shepard gets killed. Patrick Demsey (the actor who plays this character) has been a staple of that show for 11 years. The show’s first episode started with Dr. Sheppard and Merideth Grey meet. The entire 11 years centered on their relationship.

Now he is gone and the “show goes on”.

So- if a character so prevalent in the fabric of this huge franchise can be removed so easily – how about you? Are you so indispensible to your organization that they would fold up shop without you?

Of course the answer is “No”. And that is the way it should be. So – acknowledging this truth should be liberating to you. You still want to be valuable to your team, your manager, your company. But you still want to continue to move forward. Patrick Demsey has two movies in the works, and he plans to do more professional racing. What are you putting in place?

  • Do you have a Professional and Career Development Plan?
  • Do you have a Career Press Kit in place (which illustrates your past achievements, quantifies your performance as it relates to increased company revenue and client satisfaction, and updated resume)?
  • Do you regularly meet with mentors, business coaches and your management hierarchy?
  • Do you have a positive working relationship with both co-workers and sibling departments?
  • Do you have clear advancement opportunities at this company?
  • Do you have business relationships with people from other companies that are aligned with your career goals?
  • Do you have a business network of the right people that will support your advancement?

How are you making yourself valuable (not indispensible)?

  • Are you focusing on the company’s mission, vision, and business commitment goals?
  • Are you a valuable contributor to the company’s bottom line (how much money are you brining in or saving)?
  • Are you volunteering your services to sibling departments, to make sure other groups understand your contributions?
  • Are your keeping your skills up-to-date and aligned with the next generation technology to stay relevant?
  • Are you aware of the national salary range for your current role and skill level, to make sure you are not bumping up against the salary range?
  • Are you training and preparing yourself to take that next promotion or career challenge?


Bottom Line: You may be totally satisfied with your current role and responsibilities. You may have no desire to be promote or change jobs. You may want to continue to do exactly what you are doing for the next 5 to 10 years. Even so – that doesn’t guarantee that the company has the same plans. The company may choose to merge with another company; dissolve your division; or upgrade to a new technology that makes your skill set obsolete. Even if you have no desire for a change; change is inevitable.


I know your situation is different. Why don’t we schedule an appointment, where I get to know more about your unique situation? And then I will be happy to make recommendations on what your best steps are moving forward. To schedule an appointment, book it HERE.

With enough notice, it would be my honor to guest-speak at no cost to your group organization.

I have a presentation on “3 Keys to saying YES to everything but on your own terms”. To sign up for the complimentary course, go to