Building an all-star team of employees at a small business

What do you look for when you’re building an all-star team of employees?

Do you seek out those who fit into your company culture, focus on skill sets, or look for enthusiasm? (Or maybe all of the above!) We’re a small business and entrepreneurs looking for tips when hiring team players.

Executives discussing documents at meeting

What makes this a difficult situation is that you are a small business.  You don’t have the time to invest in training someone green.  At the same time, you may not have the money to match the salary requirements of the more experienced candidates.

I’ve met with several entrepreneurs that focused on enthusiasm and personalities, with the hope that the new hire would grow into the position.  The problem is that as busy entrepreneurs and small business owners – you don’t have the time to train the new hire.  What eventually happens is that the new hire never meets expectations, because they are never given the training that they were expecting.

  • The small business owners still does many of the jobs that the new person was hired to do AND pay the new hire her salary.
  • The new hire is frustrated because she can’t get the proper training AND gets reprimanded because she isn’t doing the job correctly.

Breaking the Cycle

There are a few ways to break this cycle.

  • Contract those duties or tasks to freelance talent
  • Hire a training consultant for the new employee
  • Hire an experienced, older employee on a sliding scale


Contract or freelance talent

The advantage of hiring contract or freelance talent is that you only hire when you need that particular talent or task completed.  It depends on the task that is required, of course.

For simple administration and executive assistant duties, you can call upon Virtual Assistants services.  This is great if your needs are a few hours or days a week.

There are also several freelance services for graphics, audio, video, copy-writing, social media and marketing.

The assumption with these contract services is that there is little training required, and if you are not satisfied with their work, you can change resources at the end of the short-term contract.


Training consultant

If you need full-time, in-house staff consider hiring a training consultant to create your orientation materials, your employee handbooks, document your desired procedures and then train your new hires.

This allows you to hire younger, less experienced staff (at lower rates), give them the training and orientation attention they deserve, without adding to your already overflowing plate.


Hiring experience, older employees


The last possibility is to look at experienced but older candidates.  Often times, older candidates have less expenses.  Their children are grown; they own their own home with no mortgage; and they have little debt.  They may even understand the difficult situation of the small business owner.

Therefore; they may be open to sliding salary scale (a lower starting salary with regular review for increases based on the success of the company).

I know your situation is different.  If you would like additional information on this topic, please contact

I am a business coach and this is what I do professionally.  It’s easy to sign up for a complementary one-on-one coaching call, just use this link


With enough notice, it would be my honor to guest-speak at no cost to your group organization.

How to give feedback employees will hear?

A busy professional has this question regarding employee performance reviews.

She asked:

  • How to give feedback employees will hear?
    What are some tips for giving effective feedback?
  • What are the barriers to hearing and understanding feedback?
  • When giving feedback, how can you make sure employees get it?


Who needs the feedback the most?

These are very good questions.  Before we answer each of them, lets review some reasons employees need constructive feedback.

  • They are doing well but seem too comfortable in their current position. They don’t seem to have any desire for advancement
  • They are average performers but are essentially falling behind because those around them are excelling
  • They are excelling
  • They are performing below expectations

As you can see, the need for employee feedback isn’t isolated to those that are not performing as expected.  Exceptional, Above Average, and Average employees all need constructive feedback.

Setting the stage

Giving an effective feedback starts with understanding your employees’ goals and career objectives.  Once you understand the “why” the employee comes to work – the better you can connect the feedback to their goals.

For example, if they want to eventually lead the team or become a manager, then focus on the skill sets that will help them achieve those goals.

These business commitments or goals need to be agreed upon at the start of the performance review year.  These documented PBC (Personal Business Commitments) tie the individuals role/responsibilities to the company goals.  Everyone understands how they can individually contribute to the company’s success.   These PBCs can then be reviewed several times during the year and before the official performance review.  Setting the stage in this manner makes feedback easier, because everyone involved understands both the employer and employee expectations.

These business goals need to be S.M.A.R.T. (Specific, Measurable, Achievable/Attainable, Relevant and Time bound).  With SMART goals, it’s very easy for both the employee and manager to agree whether the goals were met or exceeded.

Barriers to hearing

The most prevalent barrier to hearing and understanding feedback is our mindset.  The moment your supervisor releases a perceived negative comment, we automatically go into defensive mode.  Our brain immediately will find situations that negative what was just been said or provide detailed reasons/excuses for the events.

Best advice is to continually focus on the SMART goals or commitments set at the start of the year.  Use the agreed upon PBCs as your starting point.  Since your PBCs will have specific metrics and goals in place for each performance commitment, it will be easy to determine if the criteria has been met.

For example, If one of the PBC goals was to standardize code reviews in the development team to reduce delivered defects to test group by 30% – and the employee (team leader) still does not conduct regular code reviews and the defect rates to test group are on the rise – all you need to do is share the past defect rate and current defect rates.

Then simply ask the employee if he/she feels if they have met that particular goal.

Repeat this until all the PBC goals are reviewed.

Making sure employees get it

Once you and the employee have agreed upon the status of the PBC goal, ask their opinion on where to go from here.

For instance, if the employee agrees that the team did not meet the defect rate goals – he/she also agrees that standardized code reviews would have caught a number of these defects by simple review – and therefore would have been fixed prior to sending to the test team, you can now start a discussion on where to go from here.

The discussion is focused on working on a solution together. Perhaps it’s unrealistic for the team to take the time to gather and code-review each other’s work.  Perhaps there isn’t enough time in the schedule to detail code review.  Therefore perhaps the next assignment is for the team leader to investigate and recommend a development tools that automatically code reviews. The mandate then becomes 80% of all the code review defects are fixed before handing to the test group.   Perhaps the new PBC is to automate the unit tests going forward such that a set of automated acceptance tests are run before handing off to the test group.    Then the development teams continually add to the unit tests as they go along.

As you can see – these discussions then become the foundation of their next PBC SMART goals.

Keep them involved

At the end of the day, keeping your employees involved and engaged in their own career development is key.  Although the above examples were technical, this method also works on soft or people skills.

How to handle uncomfortable networking events

Hello, this is Laura Lee Rose.  I am a speaker and author. I am an expert in time and project management.

I help busy professionals and entrepreneurs create effective systems so that they can comfortably delegate to others, be more profitable and have time to enjoy life even if they don’t have time to learn new technology or train their staff.  I have a knack for turning big ideas into on time and profitable projects.

At the end of the day, I give people peace of mind.
Today’s question came from a busy professional interested in freeing some time and space to advance in his career.

We all understand the importance and value of business networking. How do we handle networking events in a proper and professional manner?

One of the best ways to break the ice at a networking event is to pretend or put on the persona of a host. Focus your attention on “your guests”. Put the spotlight onto them. Allow them to shine and talk about themselves. Most people are there to talk about themselves, anyway – why to against the flow?

  1. Ask them questions about “What brought them here tonight?” “What are they hoping to gain or what are their goals for this meeting?”
  2. If they share that they are looking for referrals on XYZ or people that they can work with on ABC – connect them to someone that you just met at the same meeting that shares those goals.
  3. Don’t stay too long with any one person. Like a host, make sure you mingle. You can say “I know you want to meet more people, and I want to respect your time. I would love to stay in contact, why don’t we exchange contact information and make plans to call each other on Thursday.   How does that sound?”

If you really want to stay in contact, take out your calendar and then move on.

But what if you are shy or is an introvert? Are there any other special tips for us?

Normally what makes shy people uncomfortable is having the spotlight shined on ourselves. So – much like the above advice, shine the spotlight on other people. Instead of worrying about what other people think about you – focus on learning more about the other person. People love to talk about themselves and it takes the pressure off you to carry the entire conversation.

Also, look around to see if anyone is sitting alone or hiding in the corner (make sure it’s not you doing the hiding as well). Then go up and visit them. They may be feeling uncomfortable, so be a good host and go up and introduce them to some other folks.

For additional articles and videos on tips for introverts, check out these artifacts:


I know your situation is different. Why don’t we schedule an appointment, where I get to know more about your unique situation? And then I will be happy to make recommendations on what your best steps are moving forward. To schedule an appointment, book it HERE.

With enough notice, it would be my honor to guest-speak at no cost to your group organization.

I have a monthly presentation on “how to say YES to everything but on your own terms”. To sign up for the complimentary course, go to

Landing that position in a tough job market

Hello, this is Laura Lee Rose – author of the business and time management book TimePeace: Making peace with time – and I am a business and efficiency coach that specializes in time management, project management and work-life balance strategies.  Stephen Wynkoop and I regularly meet on professional development topics. Our interviews can be found at Laura Rose Career Management Series

This week’s topic was “Advice for improving the odds of landing a position in a tough job market”

One of the best quotes to keep in mind is the “But what have you done for me lately”.  This is true in the job market.  Companies are in the business to make money.  If you can illustrate tangible evidence in both dollars and sense (common sense), how you have made money for your companies in the past and how you will do it in the future – you will stand out.

So – how do you do this when an employer has 600 resumes to review?

The first thing is to catch their attention upfront.  Acknowledge that they will probably only spend seconds on your resume.  If you don’t capture their attention in those first few seconds, your resume is tossed aside.  Therefore, highlight your professional skills that are directly relevant to the desired position right at the top of the resume; followed by the roles and positions that are significant to this current position.

Eliminate any tasks or duties that distract the reader from your applicable skill set. Don’t feel obligated to do a chronological or historically accurate list of all your employment.  Make sure you expand on the tasks that are in direct support to this new position.  Talk in dollars saved or made for the company.  Use numbers and percentages to illustrate how your contributions directly affected increased revenue or reduced costs.

Don’t be afraid to customize your resume to each application. Decades ago, we created one resume and sent 60 copies of the same resume out into the job market.  Today’s technology allows us to customize each resume to better fit and match the desired position.  Use the same terminology and descriptions in your resume as they posted in their job description. Using the same language allows your resume to pass through any automated resume scanner or filter.

 Include cover letters or hyperlinks in your online applications.  Many companies have online applications as their first-line screening.  One way to set you apart from the competition is to include a cover letter or a hyperlink to your YouTube video resume.  Many online applications will allow you to attach a resume and/or cover letter.  Take advantage of these attachments to show more of your individual and team contributor.

Set yourself apart by including YouTube, presentations, and article links. Go out of your way to illustrate your expertise.  With today’s technology, there is no limit to creating your own presentations, webinars, videos, articles, demos, prototypes or eBooks to tangibly show your skill set and expertise.

You have passed that gate and at the interview stage.  How do you continue to set yourself apart?

Much in the same way as you illustrated your value to the company in the resume; you continue to showcase any revenue generating scenarios in your interview.  Continue to highlight stories and examples of how your dedication and contributions affected the company’s bottom line.


Avoid highlighting the skills that you do not have. Even if you don’t have the exact requirements for this new job, you have worked in a similar environment, with a similar tool or have the appropriate transferable skills.  Highlight the skill set and experience that you do have and extrapolate how those skills and experience relate and support this new position.  Focus on the transferable skill set that will set you apart from the other candidates.


Conduct the interview as a conversation.  Don’t wait until the end of the interview to ask your questions.  Comment and query throughout the interview like a real conversation.  Learn as much about them as they are finding out about you.  This is a two way street.  Use your questions to illustrate that you have done your homework on their company and position.


Collect contact information.  One of the mistakes that people make is not to collect contact information from everyone they interviewed with.  Even if you are going through a recruiter, take it upon yourself to contact everyone that you interviewed with.  Although your recruiter is helpful in setting these meetings up – it’s to your advantage to take charge of the follow-up.  After all, your recruiter works for many job candidates.   YOU only have one job candidate to work for:  YOU.


Use your follow-up emails and thank you notes to close the skills gap. When you have identified a gap in your skill set during the interview, use the follow-up notes to close that gap.  For instance, if during the interview you realized that they are not only looking for someone with manual test experience, but with automated test experience (even though the original job description did not include it).  Take this opportunity to download one of the many free automated test tools and craft an automated test on their website or product.  Then include this update in your follow-up email to them.


Use the phone.  Many candidates will use email and thank you notes as a follow-up.  I agree with the thank you notes.  To set yourself apart, use the phone as well.


Add them to your  Stay on their radar.  Just because this position doesn’t pan out, make sure you are on their minds for the next opportunity.


What about college graduates?  How do they differentiate themselves?


As for college graduates, creating a portfolio of your transferable skills and illustrating how that will increase revenue or reduce costs will help.  A graduate that handled both school and the job market will outshine someone who just attended classes.  A graduate that received glowing recommendations from both the job market and professors will outshine one who doesn’t.  A graduate that has a portfolio of presentations, published articles, or a how-to video about that particular job role or industry will outshine one who doesn’t.  In today’s market, the average will not get noticed.   Decades ago, companies were willing to hire graduates with the knowledge that the candidate will not know much and there will be a long learning curve.   In today’s market, you need to show that you already have the talent and discipline for that particular job.  If more you can show that you will be able to hit the ground running (minimum learning curve and self-motivated), the better you will outshine those that don’t do that.  We are talking about tangible evidence (not just lip service).
In the IT Professional Development Toolkit, I go into the: who, what, where, when and how to accomplish all of the above. I also have a transferable skill worksheet.


Also following online courses:

12 Tips for Realistic Scheduling
10 Tips for Telecommuters
 10 Career Boosting Resolution Laser Lesson

10 Hidden Time Waster Laser Lesson

Get That Well-Deserved Raise Laser Lesson
Professional Development Toolkit
It’s a SNAP – Social Networking Accelerated Process for business networking

Or sign up for my weekly Time and Career Management Newsletter at:


7 Public Speaking Tip for Introverts

Hello, this is Laura Lee Rose – author of the business and time management book TimePeace: Making peace with time  and The Book of Answers: 105 Career Critical Situations– and I am a business and efficiency coach that specializes in time management, project management and work-life balance strategies.  Steve Wynkoop and I talk a lot about designing and managing our professional careers on a weekly interview on SSWUG TV.

The IT Professional Development Toolkit DVD or Online Program  goes into further details on the who, what, where, when, and why of these topics.

As we rise up the corporate ladder, public speaking (whether in the form of presentations, proposals or seminars) becomes a large part of our advancement.  It helps us build our reputation, credentials and professionalism.  As our career develops, our professionalism and talent needs to become more public; therefore, public speaking will become a part of the job.
Even though public speaking is important to any career advancement, many are uncomfortable in front on an audience.

Here are some quick tips:

1) Consider ToastMasters to improve your public speaking.  It’s an unitimidating environment filled with people with the same goals.
2) Talk about things you are passionate and know about.  Everyone is excited to talk about their passions and experiences.
3) Practice, practice, practice.  Take every opportunity to stretch yourself.  At every interaction, make it a goal to tell one story to a stranger or group (just one story).

4) Think positive. Visualize the speech several times before you actually make it.  Screenplay it exactly has you want it to go.  While you are speaking, pretend that you are someone else.  Channel one of your role models and give the speech as he/she would do it.
5)  Everyone understands how difficult it is to speak in front of groups.  They appreciate what it takes to get up there and want you to succeed. Acknowledge that everyone in the audience is on your side.
6) Another thing that helps is to use your speech to speak well of someone else.  Sometimes it is easier to speak of someone elses’ endeavors and accomplishments because you are placing the spotlight on them (instead of on yourself).
7) Use a familiar prop.  Sometimes a prop helps with nerves because some of your attention is focused away from the audience and onto the prop.  Creating “how to” speeches or presentation is an easy way for introverts to ease into public speaking.  Make sure you know “how to” do that item.

What can an unemployed job seeker do to keep their skills sharp?

What can an unemployed job seeker do to keep their skills sharp and relevant while they are searching for a new job?
There are several ways to keep your skills sharp:

1) Volunteer your services to non-profits and small businesses.  You need to make sure you are offering your services in the area of your job skills/expertise.  Example:  You are a web-designer.  Offer to redo a small business website with the understanding that you can place your logo and designed-by contact information on the pages.

2) Continue your education.  Use those training and certification classes as networking opportunities as well as keeping your skills sharp.  Most likely the people in that class are being sent there by their company to gain this new skill and may be looking for additional resources.  Add these people to your network and ask them for their recommendations, endorsements and possibly add them to your reference lists.
3) Develop/create your own utility or product that uses the skill you want to advertise and promote.  This could be a tool that you offer free on the internet – OR – a presentation video on YouTube – OR – a training video on YouTube, facebook, linkedIn, etc.

The goal is to come up with ideas that both keep your skills sharp and helps get you that job.  Each of these solutions have an affect on your resume and cover letters.  You gain additional work experience, recommendations, and references for your resume and cover letters.  You can also refer potential employers to your internet product or YouTube training videos.

How to Repair a Damaged Relationship with Your Boss

Hello, this is Laura Lee Rose – author of the books TimePeace: Making peace with time – and the Book of Answers: 105 Career Critical Situations.   I am a business and efficiency coach that specializes in professional development, career management, time management, and work-life balance strategies.

Today we are going to talk about How to Repair a Damaged Relationship with Your Boss

get back to work

Everyone wants to work well with their co-workers and boss. But sometimes it’s difficult because of personalities or the way people like to work.

Here are some different strategies to consider:

1) How can you tell if the relationship with your boss is repairable? The best way to see if the relationship can be repaired is to better
understand how you work and how your boss works. Taking a personality test like Opposite Strengths System <>,or * Myers Briggs* personality test. <>  provides an objective and 360 degree assessment.

By understanding the different way people work and how to better relate to those personalities – you are well on your way to repairing the relationship. Since you cannot change how other people react and respond to you – you will need to be willing to make the change. If you are not willing to put in the effort, then the relationship will not change.

2) What if the relationship cannot be repaired but you don’t want to quit?
The best way to change positions within the company is to start business networking with others in the department or area that you want to move into. Start marketing your expertise in their area by volunteering your services, sending helpful articles that point to solutions or new techniques, present Brown Bag Lunch talks on topics of interest, ask to be mentored/coach by others in the other departments, take others to lunch to find out about other opportunities in their area, and schedule an appointment with your HR representative for additional ideas.

Okay – after some soul-searching; you have decided to repair the relationship.  What now?


Here are some quick steps:

1) Acknowledge your part in the broken relationship. Make improvements in your performance, stay positive; don’t place him/her in difficult situations; bring solutions to problems; be open to feedback; don’t take things personally, do what you say you would do and keep him/her in the loop when you can not accomplish it and always stay calm and professional (that means no drama)

2) Understand your boss’ point of view: Go the extra mile; anticipate his/her needs; protect his/her time; and  understand his/her communication preferences,

3) Focus on your shared/common goals and interests. Includes some personal interchange. Get to know them a little and give your boss the benefit of the doubt.  Another good reference book is Don Ruiz book “The Four Agreements.”.  This is a great personal and professional relationship manual.

4) Tommy Thomas, PhD  and leader in the Opposite Strength System suggests the following:  To improve your relationship with your manager, the main point to remember is to have an attitude of equality. The mistake most people make in their relationships with people they report to is that they confuse the authoritative position that the manager has in the organization with the value the manager has as a person.

So be sure to blend respect for the manager’s position and authority with conveying an attitude of equality.

The IT Professional Development Toolkit, goes into the who, what, where, when, why and how to accomplish all of the above.  The IT Professional Development Toolkit is covers a comprehensive set of development tools and techniques in less than 10 minutes per practice.  It contains audios, videos, articles, webinars, presentations and practice exercises designed to be less than 5-8 minutes in length.  It can be used as a reference platform or a 12 week course program.


The toolkit comes in two forms:  DVD and online eLearning program.

elearning versionDVD version


For more information about the toolkit, click on the above buttons or please go to my website at

For more information about Opposite Strengths System and relationships, check out Tommy’s Relationship Guide. This is a report that will give you detailed; specific coaching on how to approach your manager based on who you are and who your manager is and do so with an attitude of equality. Go to to learn more.

Jack of all trades or an Expert in a few – which is better.

Hello, this is Laura Lee Rose – author of the books TimePeace: Making peace with time – and the Book of Answers: 105 Career Critical Situations.   I am a business and efficiency coach that specializes in professional development, career management, time management, and work-life balance strategies.

Today’s question is : What’s more valuable to job force…..jack of all trade or expert in a few? Which is better to stay employed and get promoted.

Once again, it will greatly depend upon your career goals.  Let’s look at some career goals as an illustration.

  • Want to be valued and considered a MVP in my department at my next performance review
  • Want to be valued and considered a MVP in my division within 3 years
  • Want to eventually become a Director or VP in development and research within 8 years
  • Want to own my own consulting business within 10 years.

In all of the above, it’s beneficial to be an expert in your dominant field or role, and very good in adjacent areas and roles.  The degree in which you are proficient in each area depends on your current career path.

If your goal is to be considered a valuable contributor to your department, you need to be ready to step into other people’s positions on an as-needed basis.  The argument of “that’s not my job” is fine is but it also limits your value to your department.  You still want to be an expert in your assigned tasks, but being able to manage other adjacent tasks, functions and areas of your department increases your value.   You will not be able to be an expert in all areas, but if you can be an adequate temporary solution in some adjacent roles (jack of some skills AND an expert in one or two)  to help the team to conquer the current huddle, your value increases.

As you sale up the career mountain, business networking and collaboration becomes more important.

If you want to be the GoTo Person in your division, you need to be well-connected and knowledgeable across departments.  You don’t need to know everything about everything; merely seem that way.  This means you know how to gather the data or borrow the expertise from someone else.  By creating a entourage and support circle of co-workers, mentors, and other experts, you can provide the needed service to both sides of the equation.  You will have become an opportunity agent for both the requester and the supplier.

The higher the stakes, the wider the net of experience.

For instance, if you are interested in receiving an Average Performance Rating, then you only need to do excellent work in your assigned duties (expert in one or two areas).  But the higher the stakes and the higher you rise, the wider your experience net needs to be.  As you rise on your career ladder, you will be depending more on your business relationships, market trending and forecasting experience, business cycles and even human nature.  You will find that the higher the rung, the further away from the technical details you will be traveling.  You will be traveling more toward forecasting, predicting and designing long-term strategies.


You will still be knowledgeable in your primary technical skill, but that will no longer by your dominant attribute or value.


Conclusion:  If you have your Individual Development Plan (outlined in the IT Professional Development Toolkit program), it will be easy for you to determine which areas to focus on as an expert; which to gain secondary experience and knowledge; and which gaps to fill in with your network of experts, mentors and collaborators.


The IT Professional Development Toolkit is covers a comprehensive set of development tools and techniques in less than 10 minutes per practice.  It contains audios, videos, articles, webinars, presentations and practice exercises designed to be less than 5-8 minutes in length.  It can be used as a reference platform or a 12 week course program.

The IT Professional Development Toolkit, goes into the who, what, where, when, why and how to accomplish all of the above.  The toolkit comes in two forms:  DVD and online eLearning program.  For more information, click on the below version.


DVD version                                                 elearning version


For more information about the toolkit, click on the above buttons or please go to my website at


Or sign up for my weekly Time and Career Management Newsletter at:

How to keep that new employee

This is Laura Lee Rose, a business and efficiency coach that specializes in professional development, time management, project management and work-life balance strategies.  The Professional Development Toolkit package covers professional development and real-world IT topics in detail. If you are interested in inexpensive training in these areas,get signed up

I received the following questions about why new employees leave a job:

  • Why do new employees leave?
  • How can a company on-board them immediately and create an environment that makes new employees want to invest in their future with the company?


Most new employees leave because of just a few reasons:
  • they are frustrated with the work that they are assigned;
  • they are offered a better job;
  • they are the wrong fit for this company/job.

To avoid some of these issues, do your homework:

1) Make sure you do your due-diligence in the interview process.  Understand their motives and career goals.  As best as you can, make sure their career goals, personalities and work ethic meets and matches your needs.

      This reduces incidents of  “they are the wrong fit for the job”

2) Have copies of your company policies, orientation materials and task procedures (that they will be responsible for) for them.  Make sure your training and procedures are well documented with steps, the reason for doing it this way, and your success criteria (how they know it’s completed correctly).

     This reduces the incidents of “they are frustrated with the tasks they are assigned”

3) Provide career support.  Partner the new employee with a buddy and a mentor.  The buddy system gives the new employee someone to go-to to ask daily questions.  The mentor (which is a different, higher-level person) helps them stay future career focused.  Also, setup regular one-on-one meetings with the manager.  The meetings can be as frequent as once a week but no less than once every two weeks.  The meetings can be as short as 15 minutes but schedule at least 30 minutes in the calendar.  This gives them a known and regular time to meet with their manager.  This support encourages transparency and open communication.

This reduces the incidents of “they are frustrated with the tasks they are assigned”.  Also – by building a good working relationship with their managers and co-workers, they will see this as “the better job” – reducing the ” they are offered a better job”.

In the Professional Toolkit, I provide worksheet, templates and guidance on how to accomplish these things.    In my Book of Answers: 105 Career Critical Situations, I have 105 work-life scenarios like the above.  The scenarios show how to accomplish your goals in similar situation.
For more information on how to get this toolkit or the “Book of Answers“, please contact

5 Ways to Get That Raise


Hello, this is Laura Lee Rose – author of the business and time management book TimePeace: Making peace with time – and I am a business and efficiency coach that specializes in time management, project management and work-life balance strategies.  Steve Wynkoop and I talk a lot about designing and managing our professional careers on a weekly interview on SSWUG TV. This episode was about how to find a mentor.   This article goes into more detail.  And the IT Professional Development Toolkit DVD goes into further details on the who, what, where, when, and why of these topics.

Audio of this episode:

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Have this ever happened to you?  You get a great performance review; they are very pleased with your work; they say they would like to give you a raise — BUT, due to budget problems, it is not possible at this time.  What do you do to succeed?

The old adage of “hitting while the iron is hot” is significant here. First, congratulate yourself for recognizing and acknowledging that you have the power to make this situation better.

  1. Get the performance evaluation and desire to give you a raise in writing.
  2. If they cannot give you a raise at this time, it is reasonable to ask “when do they foresee that they will be able to give you the raise” .   How you conduct yourself at this point plays an important role into getting the raise.  From this point, act as if the raise is imminent; is going to happen (just not today).     Take them at their word that you deserve a raise.  Get that answer in writing.
  3. Request another salary review every 3 months or every quarter.  This is a way to keep this discussion on the table. If they don’t know when they will be able to give you a raise, follow-up and schedule those quarterly salary discussions. (Squeaky wheels get the grease). You should already be having frequent one-on-one manager meetings (outlined in the Professional Development Toolkit) – so you merely have to periodically bring this topic up in the already scheduled meetings.
  4. Discuss alternative compensations that your manager has discretion over (outlined in the Professional Development Toolkit). This allows him to give you what you want without having to go above his head :
    • 4 day work week schedule; flex time; working from home
    • Additional vacation days
    • Extra time off
    • Allowed to do some community service or volunteering a few hours a month to your favorite charity during work hours.
    • Reimbursement for professional association membership, industry related journals, subscriptions, magazines.
    • Reimbursement for higher certifications, licenses, additional degrees in the company’s industry.
    • Travel on the company’s dime via customer visits, speaking engagements at out-of-town trade-shows, user conferences, and technical seminars.
    • Reimburse for home internet fees because you sometimes work from home
    • If your company does donations or charity work – see if your charity is listed and/or ask it to be listed.
  5. Do your homework.
    • Continue to excel in your performance and career (outlined in the Professional Development Toolkit).  Continue to log, track and measure your own performance in regards to your individual development goals and business commitments.
    • Conduct industry salary investigation.  If you can show that you are currently underpaid in comparison to the industry standard in your region, you have additional ammunition on you side. is just one website that can help you with your investigation.

There are certainly things you can do now, to re-start the salary discussion. If you would like more information on that, please consider purchasing the IT Professional Development Toolkit or invest in a one-on-one Coaching package.

The Book of Answers: 150 Career Critical Situations also covers the above in more detail as well.

Once again – I go into the who, what, where, when and why in more detail in the Professional Development Toolkit now available at <HERE>.