How to Hire Friends or Family Members

Hello, this is Laura Lee Rose – author of TimePeace: Making peace with time – and I am a business and efficiency coach that specializes in time management, project management and work-life balance strategies.  I recently received the questions “What is your #1 tip on hiring friends or family members?”

Small business owners may look to family and friends for staffing assistance.  Even if you are not a business owner, you may feel obligated to recommend a friend or family member.   Though you may know and trust these people more than a stranger, there are several things to consider up-front.

There’s always a high risk of losing the friendship or creating bad feelings with the family member or friend. It’s just a risky business proposition. If you are still going to do it, here are 5 tips to implement to make is a smoother experience.

1)     Have the right reason for hiring your family or friend.

Example of the wrong reason:  Simply to help them get on their feet and you feel obligated because they are ‘family’.  This isn’t the best reason to invite a friend or family member into your business.  If you want to help them out, help them with their resume, forward job leads their way, pay for their skills training or certification course, coach them in other attributes that you feel is keeping them from success, etc.   There are many other ways to help them get on their feet, other than having them affect your business and your quality of life.

Example of the right reason They have the right skills, personality, work ethics, business reputation, professionalism, exceptional work experience in relevant industry, you have successfully worked with them in the past, and you would love to work with them in the future.  They are also mature and feel that your relationship will not be affected if the business relationship does not last.

2)     Documented detail expectations and work contracts.

In the interview and hiring phases, get everything in writing.  It’s especially critical to have formal contracts when working with friends and family.  This assures everyone is on the same page and that you have a ‘meeting of the minds’ before you start. Have the contracts and documented approved and signed by all the appropriate stakeholders.  Any modification of these agreements must also be documented, approved and signed.

These documented expectation and work contracts should be instituted for all employees; but critical for family and friends that you hire.  Follow-through on any consequences or rewards documented in those signed contracts.

3)     Avoid being their direct report on the job.

To eliminate daily conflicts, it might be good to assign your family or friend to an experiences and high-performing manager or mentor.  Share the particulars with your manager to assure him/her that your family member should not be treated any differently than any other employee.  Share the PBC and IDP documents with the manager (Sign up for the Professional Development Toolkit to learn more about PDB and IDP documents).  Also, tell your family or friend that they need to go through the manager or mentor – and not directly to you regarding work issues.

4)     Proactively eliminate venting to other family members.

Because this is your friend or family member, you will have mutual family and friends in common.  And they might have a particularly hard day and vent to mutual friends and family members.  Realize that it is very possible that you might hear “through the grapevine” some grievances and complaints; and friend in common might feel obligated to take a side in the conflict. This will not only cause strain on your relationship with your employee but with the family and friends you have in common.

Before you hire your friend or family member, outline your grievance policy and procedures.  Make it very clear that you expect him/her to take any grievances directly to his/her manager.  If the issue is associated with the manager, they should follow-up with their 2nd line manager.  Make I clear that you will not tolerate any side-routes through family members.  There will be consequences to not following this grievance policy that could include probation or lose of position.

This grievance policy should be abide by all employees – but especially critical for employees that share family and friends.

5)     Be over-diligent in equal treatment to all employees.

If you feel you need to institute a new policy, procedure change, rewards, bonus, advance pay or improvement plan, you need to institute, document and announce the change for the entire company.  You need to avoid the perception that your family member is receiving special treatment (either positive or negative treatment).  You can do this by being over-diligent in your documented company policies.  You also need to document all your employee interactions regarding performance reviews, rewards, performance improvement needs, reasons for pay increases or decreases, etc.  Error on the side of too-much proof regarding all employee interactions and performance issues.

Bottom line:  I am not recommending anything that should not already be done for regular employment and company policies.  The key is not to deviate these procedures based upon a personal relationship with the potential employee.  If you friend and family member feels uncomfortable with the level of professionalism of your business, then your company is simply not a good match for them.  It’s best to find out at the interview stage.


In my IT Professional Development Toolkit, I go into the: who, what, where, when and how to accomplish all of the above. I also have a transferrable skill worksheet.  For more information about the toolkit, please contact on the Wire, Inc.
6420 E. Broadway, Suite A300
Tucson, AZ 85710
520-760-2400 or (877) 853-9158



Or sign up for my weekly Time and Career Management Newsletter at:

What’s the Bravest Thing You’ve Ever Done At Work?

The Bravest Thing You’ve Ever Done At Work
Although I’ve done many brave things at work, this  was the most unforgettable because it not only hits an uncomfortable  topic – but shows how a truly, integrity-based company responds when  something is pointed out to them.
I was a manager of 12 developers and testers  at the company; and had just received a glowing performance review  rating.  Since I was a manager, I understood how the raises were  calculated based upon my review rating and current income.
My manager looked very pleased as he asked: “Well,  how do you like your raise?”
“I like the raise very much.  It’s the base  salary that I’m not too happy with.”
His face fell. “What do you mean?”
“I think my base salary is lower than most people  doing my level of work and at my performance level.”
My manager took a looked at my base salary and  nodded to acknowledge that he heard what I was saying.  “Okay.  Let me  look into this”.
“Thank you.  I really appreciate  it.”
The next time I met with my manager he said that I  was right about my salary and described a plan to adjust it.  He said that  because of my query, the company did a department review of all the  salaries and discovered that I wasn’t the only one not being compensated  appropriately.  Because the correction wasn’t just one person, the  company did not have the available funds to correct those  affected, all at once.  But they were going to continually increase  the salary of the affected employees with periodic raises every 4 months until  they were compatible with the average pay scale for our industry and  location.
I very much appreciated their response because it  illustrated two things:
1) The fact that they didn’t want to loose a  valuable employee because of a salary dispute.
2) Their integrity to not only correct my salary,  but anyone else’s salary that was below the national range.
I was very impressed with the way my manager (who  was 1 of  the 4 founders and co-owner of the company) handled the  conversation.  But I suspect that if he wasn’t one of the co-owners, the  story might have had a different ending.
Tell me your story.

Guiding employees on when to use the phone

Guiding employees on when to use the phone

This is Laura Lee Rose, a business and efficiency coach that specializes in professional development, time management, project management and work-life balance strategies.  In my Professional Development Toolkit package , I go into professional development and real-world IT topics in detail. If you are interested in more training in these areas, get signed up
Many workers prefer to communicate by email, IM or text over using the phone, because it’s more efficient. But there are times when it is better to pick up the phone, because it is a sensitive situation. What are the professional situations when it imperative to talk by phone or in person, rather than by email? And how can managers and company owners train teams that are often more comfortable with digital conversations to judge when they need to talk–so they can get better results for the business? Does it ever make sense to have a formal or informal policy guiding employees on this?

Come up with a “proper communication escalation chart” for your department similar to the below
Convey a proper communication escalation chart: (make your own specific to your technology)
1) Post card or snail mail
2) newsletter or bulk email
3) terse, brief text, chat or instance message
4) personal or individual email
5) phone call
6) in-person visit or face-to-face meeting (can be video meeting as well)
Outline the goal of the communiqué
For instance. The goal isn’t to send them a message and cross it off your list. The goal is to make sure they understand the information or message. It’s not sufficient to send something. You also need to validate that they received it, read it, and understood it. If your message had action items, you also need to verify that they have accepted the assignment. Telling someone they need to do something is only a small percentage of the challenge. You also need to make sure they received the message, understood it, and accepts the responsibility. Communication isn’t just a two-way street. It’s a high-traffic two-way street.
Guide them to use your communication scale appropriately. Some examples:
1) Match or escalate the communication style of your client.
For instance, if your client calls you – you call them back (do not respond with a communication style of a lesser urgency). That is disrespectful.
2) Limit text and instance messages for confirmation of meetings or facts. Do not use terse, brief communication for general information, directives or conversation.
3) If you don’t understand their text or email, escalate — call them or visit them for an interactive conversation. Anything below the phone-call communication style is not an effective communication style for clarifying details. It needs to be quick and interactive. The longer you delay in getting the proper understanding, the more risk that the other person is moving forward on mis-information.
4) Apologize in person-to-person communication style (anything higher than a phone call); then follow-up with either a letter, gift or email. But the apology needs to be in person and sincere. It illustrates the proper urgency and respect you feel in correcting the problem.
5) When there is a miscommunication – escalate the communication style. If your text was mis-interpreted, send an individual email. If your email was unclear, pick up the phone. If your phone message was unclear – visit in person.
6) If you didn’t get all the information that you needed or are not getting a response – escalate the communication style. If their email didn’t give you all the details that you needed to complete the job for them – pick up the phone. If a phone call didn’t capture everything – schedule a face-to-face meeting to bang-out the details and get consensus before starting the job. Have the client sign-off on the specifications as well.
If they are not responding to your email, don’t keep sending them email. Go up the escalation scale. Their email may not be working. Same with phone messages, etc. Remember, the goal isn’t to send them the message. Your goal is to validate that they received and accepted the information.
7) Document everything and give your client a copy or link to the minutes, agreements, specifications, etc. Follow-up with a phone call or message, that you sent them an important email with the details. Ask them to contact you back if they did not get it OR if they have any questions. Do everything that you can think of to validate they received your message, understand it, and agree with the actions prescribed.
8) Include deadlines for a response in your correspondences and communiqués. When leaving a message, include all the mandatory information to get to the next step. For instance, if you are on a deadline and need a certain piece of information from this person – avoid leaving vague and ambiguous messages like: “Call me”. This type of vague message might get you a return call on the weekend.
Instead, leave more detail message like: “Joe, this is Jane. I’m working on the X project and I need the input/output parameters regarding your featureY to complete the proposal. I need this information by Wednesday morning. I will be at the office number (xxx-xxxx) until 5:00pm and at home (xxx-xxxx) after 7:00pm. You call me as late as you want. “
You can also text him that he has an urgent voice message; “Joe -please listen to the voice mail that I left as soon as reasonably possible”.
If you are in the same location — just visit his office, leave a message with his assistant, etc. Illustrate and match the appropriate urgency through the method of contact your choose.
9) Get into the habit of using your Vacation or Office-Hours auto-responders and notifications.
Publicize when you are available and when you are not available in advance. Explain, in advance, why you are not answering the phone or responding to email during specific blocks of time. Make use of auto-responders to publicize when you will be able to answer their questions. In your auto-responders, announce your preferred method of communication (by phone, by text, by email, etc).
10) Recommend employees create a communication plan for each of their clients.
Everyone will have a different and preferred way to communication. The better you understand the best way to reach your clients and co-workers, the more successful you will be. Encourage your employees to create a simple communication plans for all their clients and significant co-workers, executives and managers. Include their numbers, emails, and preferred communication method. Include different categories such as:
a) how would they like general information (i.e. status reports in newsletters, on website, some lower communication method)
b) how would they like to be notified of action items (i.e. personal email with deadline in subject line)
c) how would they like to find out about problems or stop-production issues (i.e. by phone call with your solutions)


I talk more about this in my Professional Development Toolkit at


In my Professional Toolkit, I provide worksheet, templates and guidance on how to accomplish these things.    In my Book of Answers: Companion piece to the Professional Toolkit, I have 100 work-life scenarios like the above.  The scenarios show how to accomplish your goals in similar situation.
For more information on how to get this toolkit or the “Book of Answers”, please contact: on the Wire, Inc.
6420 E. Broadway, Suite A300
Tucson, AZ 85710
520-760-2400 or (877) 853-9158

Try it and let me know what you think.

Just released: A NEW professional resource from Laura Lee Rose!



Just released: A NEW professional resource from Laura Lee Rose!  SSWUG_LOGO-NEW190-blacktag

All the Tools You Need to Get Ahead

Keeping a fast-paced, professional career can be challenging. Wouldn’t it be nice to have access to a secret vault of resources that help you save time and plan smart, plus give you actionable steps to kick-start your advancement and demystify what it takes to be successful? The good news is, it’s not a secret!



Learning your way. Our IT Professional Development Toolkit combines four learning medias into one powerful set of strategy, insight, and actionable ideas so you can get momentum in career today. We have a knack for taking big ideas and converting them into smart, sound, and actionable ideas. We have practice scenarios in real-world, real-life working environments to inspire the required change in you and those surrounding you.


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Our mailing address is:
6420 E Broadway Blvd Ste A300
Tucson AZ 85710


Advice for Managing Mediocre Employees


Advice for Managing Mediocre Employees

This is Laura Lee Rose, a business and efficiency coach that specializes in professional development, time management, project management and work-life balance strategies.  In my Professional Development Toolkit package , I go into professional development and real-world IT topics in detail. If you are interested in more training in these areas, get signed up

Mediocre employees are the most frustrating because they’re the ones who aren’t bad enough to reprimand, but they’re far from
being superstars either.  What are some tips for motivating the mediocre?

Well – my recommendation is to simply eliminate “Mediocre Employees”.
Step 1: The most efficient method is to set your job performance criteria such that you are pleased with everyone that meets those criteria. The performance criteria need to be directly tied to the company’s vision, mission, and goals. Those that fall below those performance criteria are ‘below expectations’ and are eventually placed on a PIP (performance improvement plan).
Clearly outline the company’s business goals. Then each department executives clearly outline their individual performance business commitments (PBC – or things they are responsible for doing) to meet the company’s business goals (which are appropriate and directly connected to their department). Then each manager below each department outlines their PBC for their role/responsibilities/department — what will achieve and accomplish their upper managements’ business goal. Then each employee writes their PBC that supports and accomplish their manager’s PBC. These PBC’s are then detailed into SMART goals (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Time-bound goals). SMART goals have very tangibly and visible results (either your passed or failed on your goals).
If you and your team have done your job in clearly articulating and supporting your quality objectives and performance business expectations, then even those that merely meet your expectations (average employees) – are still doing acceptable work in helping the company reach it’s goal — because – after all — you have defined your quality standards and business commitments. If you are not satisfied with their work – then chances are that you have not clearly or effectively conveyed your expectations and business goals. Remember – if you are ‘wishy-washy’ on your expectations, you will get ‘wishy-washy’ performances.
My Professional Development Toolkit DVD discusses all of this in more detail. Contact for more information on how to get this kit.
Step 2: Make an effort to match the employee’s career goals, skills and passions with the right job or role. If the role/responsibilities are aligned with what the employee wants to accomplish in the long run, the employee will be inspired and can’t help themselves from doing a terrific job. It’s more of a calling for them than a job.
Conduct frequent one-on-one meetings with your employees to discover their career goals, skills and passions. Direct them to roles and responsibilities that align the employee with both their goals and your company’s business goals. Show them the career path and required skill-set that they need to acquire to achieve their career goals. This might mean a change of departments. This might mean some additional certification and training. But this might also mean that they end up leaving the company because (through these one-on-one meetings) the employee realizes that their career goals do not match the company’s path.
My Professional Development Toolkit DVD discusses all of this in more detail. Contact for more information on how to get this kit.
Step 3) Make the employee fully responsible for their own career. It’s not the manager or company’s responsibility that the employee has a satisfying work-life balance. It’s not the manager or company’s responsibility that the employee is happy at their job. It’s not the manager or company’s responsibility that the employee gets along with his/her coworkers or managers. It’s the employee’s profession; it’s the employee’s career. The manager or company can do is to support the employee in their career goals (through frequent one-on-one meetings with their employees). But the manager or company isn’t responsible for the employee’s career. The employee needs to take full ownership of designing their own career and life.
My Professional Development Toolkit DVD discusses all of this in more detail. Contact for more information on how to get this kit.


In my Professional Toolkit, I provide worksheet, templates and guidance on how to accomplish these things.    In my Book of Answers: Companion piece to the Professional Toolkit, I have 100 work-life scenarios like the above.  The scenarios show how to accomplish your goals in similar situation.
For more information on how to get this toolkit or the “Book of Answers”, please contact: on the Wire, Inc.
6420 E. Broadway, Suite A300
Tucson, AZ 85710
520-760-2400 or (877) 853-9158

Try it and let me know what you think.

What should job hunters highlight for a contract job?

This is Laura Lee Rose, a business and efficiency coach that specializes in professional development, time management, project management and work-life balance strategies.  In my Professional Development Toolkit package , I go into professional development and real-world IT topics in detail. If you are interested in more training in these areas, get signed up

What special steps do job hunters need to take if a company is contracting?

If a company is looking to hire contract consultants, their main focus is to make sure the candidate will hit the ground running. People are normally searching for contracts because:
1) They are behind in their delivery schedule and are looking to quickly make-up the time with additional resources with no need for training or learning-curve costs.
2) They don’t have the expertise in-house to accomplish the task – and do not have the time or budget to training in-house expertise
3) They discovered an unexpected need for an additional resource with a certain skill sets and they don’t have any available people at this time.
In all three cases, the contractor will have a limited time to produce. Therefore, they need to emphasize that they have the ability to produce at the get-go. Therefore, in your resume, highlight past products and services that are comparable to the current position needs. Illustrate the design to market speed rate of your past contracts. Include satisfied client testimonials on your professionalism and productivity.
In my Professional Toolkit, I provide worksheet, templates and guidance on how to accomplish these things.  For more information on how to get this toolkit, please contact: on the Wire, Inc.
6420 E. Broadway, Suite A300
Tucson, AZ 85710
520-760-2400 or (877) 853-9158

Try it and let me know what you think.

How to Speed Operations in a Small Business

This is Laura Lee Rose, a business and life coach that specializes in professional development, time management, project management and work-life balance strategies.  In my Professional Development Toolkit package , I go into professional development and real-world IT topics in detail. If you are interested in more training in these areas, get signed up
Today’s question came from a reporter working with small business owners.
With clients expecting orders to be turned around faster than in the past, how can small businesses speed up their operations?
Anything that repeats can be optimized and automated. To speed up operations, give discounts to entice the client to do most of the work for you. For instance, if your business is to design and create ads for a free local business directory magazine – then if  the client provides you with the ad and graphics (such that all you have to do is publish), they get a discount.
The best way to get clients to easily adhere to certain standards and format, is to create some type of application for them to use.  In this ‘free local business directory magazine’ example, a website application page can be created for internal staff as well as clients. This webpage application would increase the number of resources (both staff and clients) that you can distribute the work without lowering the quality.  Increasing the number of people that can do the work will speed up your operations.
For this example:
1) Provide a customer designer website page that allows clients to create their own promotional material.
2) Provide various templates that 80% of their clients can use as their promotional design foundation.
3) Provide basic design options (example upload logos, adding text, preview ability etc).
4) Provide a video tutorial to show how people can create their own materials.
5) The more the client does on their own, the bigger the discount they get.
You still send clients their resulting ad for final approval before publishing. And if they need your help to finalize it – you can decide to limit it to 20 minutes (for example) without additional charge.
For the 20% of customers that the promotional website does not work for, you charge for your time, graphic expertise, editing, etc. But you have cut your time and effort by 80% and all your clients get a faster result.
If you do not want to provide an automated design website — still use the concept. If the client provides you with the ad and graphics (such that all you have to do is publish), they get a discount.
Bottom line: To speed up operations, give discounts to entice the client to do most of the work for you.
What steps or things can you optimize, delegate and automate in your area?  If you need assistance in pinpointing these areas, setup a project-specific coaching session with me
In my Professional Toolkit, I provide worksheet, templates and guidance on how to accomplish these things.  For more information on how to get this toolkit, please contact: on the Wire, Inc.
6420 E. Broadway, Suite A300
Tucson, AZ 85710
520-760-2400 or (877) 853-9158

10 hidden time wasters that you may be doing

This is Laura Lee Rose, a business and life coach that specializes in professional development, time management, project management and work-life balance strategies.  In my Professional Development Toolkit package , I go into professional development and real-world IT topics in detail. If you are interested in more training in these areas, get signed up

Many of us have complained about the lack of time at one time or another.  If you are consistently running out of time, there may be a few things that you are unknowing doing.  Some of the top hidden time wasters are below.  We often fall into their trap because we don’t readily recognize them.

  1. Allowing things to repeat without investigation and/or fixing
  2. Not recognizing opportunities that propel us forward
  3. Not reusing our own accomplishments to our advantage
  4. Spending time on unimportant items
  5. Spending all our time making and putting out fires (creating critical/ stop production situations for ourselves).
  6. Using imagined dependencies to stall us
  7. Working hard to stay in the same place; using energy to keep the status quo
  8. Not asking for exactly what you want
  9. Complaining with no explicit call to action
  10. Spending energy and attention well past the benefit


In my Professional Development Toolkit, I discuss how to get around all of the above.

But a quick remedy is to recognize that ‘item’ is an anagram for ‘time’ (the words use the same letters but in different order).  Remember this and then  every time an item crosses
your desk, ask yourself: “Is this Item worthy of your Time?”

Let’s take the last item 10:  Spending energy and attention well past the benefit.

This could include certain tasks at work, your current position, some work or home projects, hobbies and even some people.  As you evolve and develop you should out grow things like jobs, hobbies and even certain people.  The games and interests that you had at 5 years old are not the same interests you have today.  It is the same as your continue to progress through your life.  But sometimes we stay too long in the same place.  Perhaps it is out of a sense of misguided  loyalty or perhaps simply because it is comfortable and familiar.  Either way, the longer you stay focused on an item beyond it’s benefit to you — the more time you are wasting.  This is even true if the item seems like a worthwhile task.

For example:  You would like to get $15 for your old wooden bench-swing.  You decide to make it more presentable to assure your $15 asking price.  You sand it; you stain it; you oil it; you and add decorative stencils. You now have spent 4 days on it to acquire $25; when having it quickly power-washed (as you are already power-washing your deck) would have accomplished the same goal.

Keeping your ROI (return on investment) in mind, “Is this Item worthy of your Time?”

I go into more detail in the Professional Development Toolkit.  This DVD set contains practices and exercises regarding time management, career management, work life balance strategies and how to better quantify your performance to the company’s bottom line.  for information on how to purchase this toolkit, contact: on the Wire, Inc.
6420 E. Broadway, Suite A300
Tucson, AZ 85710
520-760-2400 or (877) 853-9158
If you liked this tips, more can be found at or GET SIGNED UP to my weekly professional tips newsletter.
The weekly newsletter contains tips on:
1)      Time management
2)      Career maintenance
3)      Business networking
4)      Work life balance strategies

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How to narrow your career options.

Work Scenario:  You have 25 years of experience in various skills.  You could go into consulting, you could start your own business, you could go back to school to learn a new skill, you could do so many things that you don’t know where you should start.  Instead of focusing on ‘what you want to do’, you are actually focusing on ‘what you could do’ – which is giving you this waffling affect.
You feel overwhelmed because you are looking at so many directions.
Take it in little steps. Decide on tiny decisions that helps you focus on what you really want.
Don’t focus on “what I can do” – instead, visualize what you really want to do.
1) Decide if you either want to be an entrepreneur or work in a company/corporation.
2) Visualize yourself in either environment and decide which you are most comfortable in.
3) For the time being – forget what you ‘can do’. Focus on what you really want to do.
4) For instance: Now that you have decided on company/corporation (as an example) – decide if you want to work with a small or larger company.
5) Once you have decided on the size of the company (as an example) – decide if you are more comfortable consulting daily with people or organizing or administration activities.
6) Once you decide what you are more comfortable with, your focus will be more deliberate and not all over the place. For instance, if you now decided that your preference is to work in a small company with paper/administration type things — you can better focus your attention and energy on the coding and billing route. If your preference is consulting daily with people in a large company – that helps you better focus your energy on jobs in that type of environment.
In my Professional Toolkit, I provide worksheet, templates and guidance on how to accomplish the above.  For more information on how to get this toolkit, please contact: on the Wire, Inc.
6420 E. Broadway, Suite A300
Tucson, AZ 85710
520-760-2400 or (877) 853-9158

How to steal a competitors client.

I find the best way to gain customers from competitors is to collaborate and affiliate with them.

Most services are niche enough that, although they seem competing, they aren’t really stepping on each other toes.  While they may share the same service space,  their products are slightly different and may even be complimentary.   While they may seem to share the same market, their target client description is slightly different.

A successful scheme is to create a catalyst event in which your competitors are invited to speak, perform, or showcase their wares. Every business is responsibly for promoting and advertising this event to their clients.  This offers a Win/Win for everyone. The advantage is that now everyone is gaining exposure beyond their individual circle of influence.  You also include your products and services at this event.  Now you have other service providers bringing in their clients to see your products as well as their products.

Creating a collaborative versus adversarial atmosphere often works better in the long run. In this type of environment, companies often can create a referral program in which you share revenue on clients you refer to each other.  You can also make an agreement to off-load some business during your busy times to the other company (and visa-versa).  If one or the other move into a different market, you are the first they will recommend to their clients.