How introverts can break into a manager role

How introverts can break into a manager role even though they aren’t the most aggressive/outspoken?
The best way to become a good manager (regardless of being an introvert or extravert) is to focus on service:  service to your employees.  Introverts and extraverts have one think in common.  They spend too much time thinking about themselves.  An introvert is fearful of what people are thinking about them.  The extravert wants people to be thinking about them.  In both cases, it’s all about “them”.

Whether you are an introvert or extravert – the recommendation is the same:

1) Illustrate that your focus is not on yourself, but for the benefit of the employee, client and company.

2) Error on service to others; what you can do for your department, your team, your executive level and your clients

3) Quantify your performance in regards to client satisfaction, increased revenue, reduced time to market and employee retention.

Spend more time on learning about others.  Focus on doing the right thing instead of doing things right.

GET out of your own head, and get into theirs.

Getting out of your own heads helps with your introvert tendencies; getting into theirs helps with your management skills.
For morel tips on how to breakdown the strengths introverts usually possess that make them successful leaders and tips on helping them navigate office politics and professional opportunities that will lead to managerial promotions; why not setup an introductory success coaching session.  This way I can learn more about your unique situation and give you customized next step recommendations.

To setup an appointment, go to



How introverts can become managers

how introverts can break into a manager role even though they aren’t the most aggressive/outspoken?
The best way to become a good manager (regardless of being an introvert or extravert) is to focus on service:  service to your employees.  Introverts and extraverts have one think in common.  They spend too much time thinking about themselves.  An introvert is fearful of what people are thinking about them.  The extravert wants people to be thinking about them.  In both cases, it’s all about “them”.

Whether you are an introvert or extravert – the recommendation is the same:

1) Illustrate that your focus is not on yourself, but for the benefit of the employee, client and company.

2) Error on service to others; what you can do for your department, your team, your executive level and your clients

3) Quantify your performance in regards to client satisfaction, increased revenue, reduced time to market and employee retention.

Spend more time on learning about others.  Focus on doing the right thing instead of doing things right.

GET out of your own head, and get into theirs.

Getting out of your own heads helps with your introvert tendencies; getting into theirs helps with your management skills.
For more tips on how to breakdown the strengths introverts usually possess that make them successful leaders and tips on helping them navigate office politics and professional opportunities that will lead to managerial promotions; why not setup an introductory success coaching session.  This way I can learn more about your unique situation and give you customized next step recommendations.

To setup an appointment, go to



Perks you should hold out for as you’re negotiating a position with a company

Hello, this is Laura Lee Rose.  I am a speaker and author. My background is in time and project management.

I help busy professionals and entrepreneurs create effective systems so that they can comfortably delegate to others, be more profitable and have time to enjoy life even if they don’t have time to learn new technology or train their staff.  I have a knack for taking big ideas and converting them into smart, sound, and actionable ideas.

At the end of the day, I give people peace of mind.

Today’s question came from a reporter: What perks you should hold out for as you’re negotiating a position with a company? What perks do soon-to-be-hired people forget to ask for? What should they try to get?


My recommendation is to first understand what your wants and desires are, then use those as the starting point for your perks. Take everyone else out of the picture when deciding what you want.

workerswantReview this survey results on “what workers want” – and decide what you really want from your work experience.  For example if you are want your “opinion and knowledge valued” – discuss opportunities to travel and speak at various conferences in the company’s industry.  If you want to be properly recognized for work well done, discuss award schedules based on your performance. If you want the freedom to create and innovate, discuss their patent opportunities and compensations.  If career advancement is important to you, discuss the possibility of reimbursement for success or career coach fees.   If it’s important that you have the proper resources to do a better job, request administrative help to off-load so that you can focus on items only you can do.  If continuous learning is important to you, negotiate appropriate training time and reimbursements.

Once again – go back to what is important to you and then be creative in your negotiation the essence of those goals.


I know your situation is different. Why don’t we schedule an appointment, where I get to know more about your unique situation? And then I will be happy to make recommendations on what your best steps are moving forward.

You can schedule a 30 minute complementary consult right HERE.  Do it today, what do you have to lose?ScheduleTime

With enough notice, it would be my honor to guest-speak at no cost to your group organization.

I have a monthly presentation on “How to say YES to everything but on your own terms”. To sign up for the complimentary course, go to

This presentation isn’t for everyone. It’s for professionals that are ready to succeed. Since we use the time to do some real-time laser coaching around your unique situation, the seats are limited. Even though this presentation is complimentary, there is a $5.00 reserve your seat fee that is refunded when you after attend the presentation. If you register and do not attend, you forfeit the $5.00 and all materials covered in the presentation.

I also have several worksheets that help clarify your goals, your teams missions, and your performance expectations in the Professional Development Toolkit.  The toolkit goes into the who, what, where, when, why and how of all of the above.  It contains audios, videos, presentations, and worksheets for your use and growth.  Take the next step and check the toolkit out <<HERE>>

Are Your Meeting a Waste of Time?

Small business owners and their small staffs are busy, and the last thing they need is an unproductive meeting that drags on and on. How do you tell if your meeting is wasting valuable time and how do you correct the problem?
[ Special bonus:  Download the Effective Meeting Checklist <<HERE and NOW>>]
Some basic rules for meeting management will help the situation:

1) Have a specific purpose and goal for the meeting.

2) Only have agenda items that support and accomplish that goal.  (If you have multiple goals for one meeting, then you run the chance of wasting valuable time for the people that are only interested/involved in one of the goals.  Call different “shorter” meetings instead).

3) Only invite people that have the authority to “do something” to accomplish the meeting’s goal.

4) Setup and publish the meeting’s purpose, ground-rules, time-limits and explicit agenda-topics.

5) Have a note-taker that is not expected to actually participate in the meeting to take notes and publish the notes (you can now include video taping or audio taping of the meetings as well — but you still want someone to quickly summarize the results and action items)

6) Always do an end-game review:

  • Review/Summarize the highlights and decision;
  • Decide if the meeting’s purpose and goal was actually accomplished;
  • Emphasize the “Call to Action” items;
  • Identify the explicit owners for each Action Item;
  • Assign a deadline or time-frame for the item;
  • Clarify the success criteria for each Action item (make sure everyone in the room has the same understanding of what DONE really means in this specific issue – make sure everyone has the same expectations);
  • if it was decided that the meeting was not successful in completing it’s goal – Outline any remaining Open Items,
  • Specify the date/time for the next meeting if there are any Open Items and who is in charge of facilitating and who should be attending that next meeting.

Often times meetings are unsuccessful because they simply do not have the right people in the meeting to make the decisions.  If you have a specific goal for each meeting, you can decide early on if the meeting has the right people to accomplish the goal.  If the right people are not there – do not proceed with the meeting OR have the right meeting for the people that are there.

 [ Special bonus:  Download the Effective Meeting Checklist <<HERE and NOW>>]

How Should Employed Candidates Job Search Secretly?

Hello, this is Laura Lee Rose – author of the business and time management books TimePeace: Making peace with time  and The Book of Answers: 105 Career Critical Situations– and I am a business and efficiency coach that specializes in time management, project management and work-life balance strategies.

Today’s question is:  How Should Employed Candidates Job Search Secretly?

The most effective way to job search secretly is to perfect your business networking skills.

I am assuming that you have already explored promotions and lead positions with your current manager.  I am assuming that your manager is aware of your career goals and individual development plans.  I am assuming that you feel that your manager can not assist you in these areas.
Some networking options available to you are:

1) Don’t overlook other positions within your company.  Get to know co-workers in sibling departments and invite them for lunch to find out more about their department, positions, products, etc.

2) Offer your services to sibling departments, nonprofit organizations, friends and family – doing the things you want in your new job.  Illustrate your skill and talent in this area to others.

3) Get an appointment with an external recruiter and just talk to them (in confidence) to find out the relevancy of your current skill set, if you need to master a different craft, or gain additional certification to make yourself more attractive to the outside work force.

job labyrint If you are ready to take that step toward job interviewing, I have a list of good questions to ask at a job interview.  To get your copy, please register <<HERE>>

If you need additional information, I am  available for business and professional development coaching.

I also have several worksheets that help clarify your goals, your teams missions, and your performance expectations in the Professional Development Toolkit.  The toolkit goes into the who, what, where, when, why and how of all of the above.  It contains audios, videos, presentations, and worksheets for your use and growth.  Take the next step and check the toolkit out <<HERE>>

How to make the right call between multiple job offers

How do job seekers receiving multiple job offers that weren’t quite what they expected know when to accept one, keep hunting, change directions or go off on their own?

job labyrintUse my Pro and XCon list.  Everyone is family with the Pro and Con list.  They list what they like about the job and what they don’t like about the job.  Using the Pro and Con method often results in indecisiveness because you often find that each job has as many Pros and they have Con.  Using my Pro and XCon list is a 3 column list.  You have your regular Pro and Con columns.  But then you add your XCon column.  The XCon column is third column.  You use the XCon column to list what needs to happen to turn the Con item into an XCon (or acceptable to you).

Then use the XCon items in your negotiation meetings.  This strategy actually better directs which one to accept OR if you need to continue to look.

Reminder:  Employers and companies are going to be putting their best foot forward during the interview and hiring process. If you find them unwilling to negotiate at the interview stage, they will be less likely to negotiate after you are hired.  If you do not like how they are reacting to your attempts to create alternative solutions, then merely move on without regret or doubt.

How do job seekers  know when to keep hunting or go off on their own?

My recommendation isn’t to “go off you your own”, just because you can’t find the perfect job.  Only start your own business if you want to start your own business.   Then the next question – after you have decided that you want to start your own business – is when to start it?   And, that my friend, is a topic for another day or better yet – a one-on-one business coaching meeting.

I also have several worksheets that help clarify your goals, your teams missions, and your performance expectations in the Professional Development Toolkit.  The toolkit goes into the who, what, where, when, why and how of all of the above.  It contains audios, videos, presentations, and worksheets for your use and growth.  Take the next step and check the toolkit out <<HERE>>

Sample Pro-XCon Worksheet:

Pros Cons XCon What will reduce discomfort of the Con

Job 1

$45/hr – underpaid Request $60-65/hour
Analytical, model and mathematical work that I enjoy Don’t have enough money to do much. Ask if there’s an opportunity to get paid for your articles and publications on your findings (in addition to the hourly rate)
Opportunity to set a standard Can’t enjoy my free time very much. Find alternative/added revenue stream
Opportunity to present papers on discoveries
Opportunity to define processes and lead policies

Job 2

Easy work Have to accept without reading/signing a contract.  After I accept, I get a written contract to review and sign. Accept job, with the contingency on the review and acceptance of the terms.  And you will start 2-weeks after you sign the contract. Don’t give Glaxo a resignation until you have read contract.
Will have enough money to do a few more things (including supporting my daughter if she needs it). Not very exciting or challenging work. Ask if there are presentation opportunities within the company.
Will have some funds to enjoy my free time.  Will have some free time to enjoy. Ask if there are any opportunities (in this company) to set standards or procedures in the area that you are interested in.
Is there an outside activity that can fill the presentation, publication, and setting standards gap?  Is there another thing that gives me the same fulfillment or filling?

MicroManagers – how do you deal/handle them?

Hello, this is Laura Lee Rose – author of the business and time management books TimePeace: Making peace with time  and The Book of Answers: 105 Career Critical Situations– and I am a business and efficiency coach that specializes in time management, project management and work-life balance strategies.

Simply put, I give people the time to be, do and have whatever they want.

Today’s topic: Micro-managers – how do you deal/handle them?

I am sure many of us have come across micro managers; I have been told there isn’t the best way to tackle them. However, there are some effective approaches..

Do you handle them( micro-managers) from the top management level or through other workers who work under and around the micro manager. But more importantly what is  a tactful strategy or a method you can take.

What are some tactile actions to dealing with them and how one can be brought into control.

How can they be avoided – Is the culture of the company to blame for their behavior?

The false premise in this question is the idea of “how to control your micro manager”. The idea of “control” is what started this discussion in the first place. Most micromanaging stems from an insecurity that things are not going to be handled the way that they should be. The manager doesn’t either truly trust his/her team OR his own management of his team. He wants to control everything to make sure it is a success (or match what he believes to be a success).

The next false premise is to spend time on finding someone to blame “Is the culture of the company to be blamed for their behavior?” While it may make us feel better to “pass the buck” – it doesn’t help us in our immediate situation. Cultural change in an organization takes time. But there are things we can immediately implement to get ahead.

As an individual and team contributor – one can 100% affect change in our own responses and reaction.(and not anyone else’s).  So that is where I recommend my clients to start.
In my experience, the best way to work with a micro manager is to understand their fears and their department goals. Then do everything you can to illustrate that you are in their corner; that they can rely and depend upon you; that you are their right hand person. And I’m talking about action and deeds (not just lip service).
This is my same recommendation for working with any type manager or team. It’s just that with a micro-manager, you need to increase or heighten your awareness and steps. For instance:

1) I normally recommend employees take the initiative to schedule regular one-on-one meetings with their managers once a week or at least twice monthly. If you are working with a micro-manager, you may need to schedule a 15 minute daily meeting. If you don’t already have daily one-on-one meetings with your micro-manager to proactively review what’s been done, where you are now, and where you plan to be by the end of the day or week – start. If you schedule daily, regular check-ins – the manager will avoid interrupting you frequently because he knows he has a regular meeting already scheduled with you.

For a free checklist on “How to Hold an Effective One-on-One manager’s meeting”,  request the checklist <<HERE>>

2) Be totally transparent with your manager (this is the same advice I would give working with any type of manager or team player). Since the micro management comes from insecurity and distrust, be an open book. Go out of your way to lay your cards on the table (using your frequently, scheduled one-on-one meetings) to discuss his expectations, the department goals, your goals. And explicitly discuss and show how you plan to achieve those goals. Illustrate that your goals and his goals are aligned. That when he does well, you know you will do well and vice-verse.

3) Ask him what you can do for him to achieve his business commitments and exactly what you need from him for you to help him meet his business commitments. (Once again – I would recommend this action with any type of manager).

4) Ask him how often he would like an update, how he would like it, when he would like it.   If he is micromanaging and constantly asking for updates – it’s a sign that you are not giving him updates as frequently as he needs to feel comfortable.  Create a Communication Plan and outline how you should communicate regular status, problem issues and solutions, Critical issues, etc. If you and he have an agreed upon communication method (like a fire escape plan) – he knows how (i.e. email on regular status, by phone on critical situations and your solution) and when (how frequently) he will be notified for different issues. [People often make the mistake of not reporting in when nothing has changed. The fact that nothing has changed is a status report and can be important information to your micro-manager ] Find out exactly what he needs from you to feel comfortable and safe. Then do it that way every time.   This gives you the reputation of dependability and reliability.  Attributes he needs to see to feel safe.

5) If your manager suddenly turns into a micro-manager (not his normal style); realize that he/she is probably getting some heat from his supervisors AND he is probably trying to shield you from the chaos from above (while at the same time get the executives the information that they need). Offer to attend and speak to the executives yourself (with your manager). This reduces some of the pressure, because you can answer the technical and day-to-day questions that the executives might have. You will also get some great high-level exposure as someone that really knows his stuff.

Once your manager realizes that he can count on you to deliver exactly what you say and when you said you would do it – he will be able to rely on not only your deliveries but your advice as well.

If you take on more of a leadership role in your relationship with your manager, he will feel more comfortable releasing his reigns. Sometimes people micro-manage because they can’t literally see anyone else stepping up to the plate. Sooooo, Step UP!

If you want more information on these techniques, just holler at me,

In the Professional Development Toolkit, I go into the: who, what, where, when and how to accomplish all of the above.

For more about the toolkit and my other online courses, please visit


Also following online courses:




Or sign up for my weekly Time and Career Management Newsletter at:


Bragging advice for the terminally shy

This is Laura Lee Rose, a business and efficiency coach that specializes in professional development, time management, project management and work-life balance strategies.

Simply put, I give people the time they need to be, do and have whatever they want.

It can be incredibly difficult for women to self-promote, since culture traditionally encourages self-disparaging attitudes in women. But not just women have this problem.  How can you get over cultural barriers, or natural shyness, and really toot your own horn? Here are some tricks, and methods for learning to brag about one’s skill set and experience in order to build a business, attain new clients or get that promotion.
Several avenues:
1) Just Ask.  When you do good work, more often than not, a coworker, sibling department or client will come up and either thank you for your service or complement you.  Take that opportunity to ask them to “put it in writing” as a testimonial or to your manager, and cc you and their manager.  They are always happy do do that.  The only reason more people don’t do it, is because it never occurs to them.  Just Ask.  Make is a point to do something nice and valuable for someone else, at least twice a month and ask for the note or even a video testimonial.
2) Create your Professional and Career Press Kit.  Collect accolades. awards, recognitions, accomplishment, and customer notes in your achievement folder or Career Press Kit – as they happen.  To many times people wait until the end of the performance review to remember what they accomplished throughout the year.  Note them as they happen and you won’t have to remember.
3) Speak up.  Start giving informative and valuable presentations and proposals.  The best way to illustrate your value is to illustrate your value.  If you are in the corporate environment, give Brown Bag Lunch training sessions on the next generation technique; create a proposal on how to either increase revenue, reduce costs or decrease time to market; start a movement to optimize or automate non-billable hours so that everyone can spend more time making money for the company.  Stay visible with videos and even incorporating your head-shot to your email signatures.  Make sure people know who you are.  Make it a point to do at least 1 public speaking engagement a month.
4) Appreciate others.  When someone else helps you, write a note to their manager and cc-your manager and them.  Outline the important task that you accomplished with their help.  Make it a point to thank at least one person a week this way.
5) Shine through others.  Bring in valuable speakers and talent into your department.  Create your own catalyst event to bring others together.  Be the opportunity agent that connects the right pieces by asking experts to speak at your speaking series, interviewing them for the company newsletter, or arranging a consultation on a specific problem that your department or client is having, etc.  Include this as your one-speaking engagement a month activity.
6) Weekly manager or client meetings.  Take the initiative to schedule repeating weekly one-on-one meetings with your manager or client.  Through the act of reviewing your weekly accomplishments, you are getting your achievements some stage time.
7) Don’t keep it in-house.  If your manager is the only one aware of your talent and expertise, you are doing yourself a disservice.  During performance time, all the managers of the same band have to rate and rank their pool of employees against each other.  If you are only known to your manager – you won’t fair well in that comparison.  Start volunteering your service and expertise to sibling departments other target markets.  Be working on at least 1-side project for someone else at least twice a month.  This is a good way to get “thank you notes” from the others and keep the pipeline of jobs coming.

As you may have noticed, I included a schedule to each of these action items.  And each of this actions as associated with actually “doing the work” ( or the right to brag).   The key is keep practicing on a regular schedule.  If you continue to see yourself as shy, the you will stay that way.  If you visualize yourself as a mover and shaker, you will become what you imagine.  A habit is just a thought you keep practicing.  Keep practicing the thought that you are a valuable and vibrant person.

If you want more information on these techniques, just holler at me.

What strategies do you use to stop procrastinating?

I am a business and efficiency coach.  I work with my clients on this issue frequently.  We would take an objective look at why you are procrastinating.  Sometimes your inner-knowing is using “procrastination” to actually tell you that this isn’t really your responsibility or the timing of this tasks isn’t right or the way you are planning to go about the task isn’t right or any number of things.

Instead of fighting against procrastination – use it as an indicator to re-evaluate what you are about to do.

  • Is this task really on your purpose – or are you doing someone else’s responsibility?
  • Is this task really worth your time?  Even though it’s a MUST DO – can you pay someone else do accomplish it in less time and money – then it would cost you to do it yourself?
  • Is this task better accomplished with friends and family – instead of all alone?
  • What’s the reason for this task?  Sometimes the task mutates away from the actual essence of the goal.  ASAP is (Analyze, Strategize, and create an Action Plan)

Then use the 4D’s to make better use of your time.   If you want more information on these techniques, just holler at me.

7 Public Speaking Tips for Introverts

SpeakingHello, this is Laura Lee Rose – author of the business and time management books TimePeace: Making peace with time  and The Book of Answers: 105 Career Critical Situations– and I am a business and efficiency coach that specializes in time management, project management and work-life balance strategies.  Stephen Wynkoop and I regularly meet on professional development topics. Our interviews can be found at Laura Rose Career Management Series

This week’s topic was “Public speaking tips for introverts”

7 public speaking tips for introverts

As we rise up the corporate ladder, public speaking (whether in the form of presentations, proposals or seminars) becomes a large part of our advancement.  It helps us build our reputation, credentials and professionalism.  As our career develops, our professionalism and talent needs to become more public; therefore, public speaking will become a part of the job.
Even though public speaking is important to any career advancement, many are uncomfortable in front on an audience.

Here are some quick tips:

1)    Consider ToastMasters to improve your public speaking.  It’s a unintimidating environment filled with people with the same goals.

2)    Talk about things you are passionate and know about.  Everyone is excited to talk about their passions and experiences.

3)    Practice, practice, practice.  Take every opportunity to stretch yourself.  At every interaction, make it a goal to tell one story to a stranger or group (just one story).

4)    Think positive. Visualize the speech several times before you actually make it.  Screenplay it exactly has you want it to go.  While you are speaking, pretend that you are someone else.  Channel one of your role models and give the speech as he/she would do it.

5)    Everyone understands how difficult it is to speak in front of groups.  They appreciate what it takes to get up there and want you to succeed. Acknowledge that everyone in the audience is on your side.

6)     Another thing that helps is to use your speech to speak well of someone else.  Sometimes it is easier to speak of someone else’s’ endeavors and accomplishments because you are placing the spotlight on them (instead of on yourself).

7)    Use a familiar prop.  Sometimes a prop helps with nerves because some of your attention is focused away from the audience and onto the prop.  Creating “how to” speeches or presentation is an easy way for introverts to ease into public speaking.  Make sure you know “how to” do that item.

Let’s cover some of these tips in more detail.

Talk about things you are passionate and know about. Talk about things you know all about.  Start with some “how-to” presentations or items that you are the resident expert.

To avoid the “audience know-it-all”, talk about your experience.  If someone disagrees with your opinion, all you have to do is say, “Well, this has been my experience.  Your results may vary.”

If/When you don’t know the answer, use that opportunity to business network.  Say, “I don’t know, but I am also interested in the answer.  I’ll look into that.  If you can leave your business card or contact information, I’ll find out and will get back to you.”

Practice, Practice, Practice.  In this day and age, there is no reason not to practice.  Most laptops, Ipads, tablet, iphone has camera/video options.  Film your speaking engagements; setup weekly BlogTalkRadio episodes, give webinar presentation, setup Brown Bag Lunch session at the office; offer to speak at your professional organization or business networking meetings.  There is an unlimited number of ways to practice.

Use props such as PowerPoint slides, short video, cartoon, joke, white board, chalk board, demo software, or a visual aide to illustrate a point or metaphor.  This allows you distract yourself away from the audience.

Focus on someone else’s accomplishments and achievement in your speech.  By focusing your attention on your admiration on someone else, you forget about yourself.

Pick one or two faces in the audience and talk directly to them.  Pretend that they are new friends and you are just explaining your topic to them.  Everyone in the audience is already interested in your topic (otherwise they would not be there).  So there are already tuned-in and supporting.

Just relax and breathe.  Everyone is already one your side in this.

In the Professional Development Toolkit, I go into the: who, what, where, when and how to accomplish all of the above. I also have a transferable skill worksheet.