Want more time? Think inside the box.

In my GoTo Academy: Tools for the GoTo Guy and Gal continuous online coaching series, I go into Time-boxing and the use of Parking Lot methods in detail.
If you are interested in more training in these areas, please signup for the continuing online coaching series.

Does this scenario sound familiar?

You get into the office early because you need to review the results of the overnight test run, and mail in the results before the 9:00am meeting.

“Darn, the overnight test failed at stage 6. Why did that fail? I need to figure out why and start it back up.
Man – the error code is so cryptic. I don’t know what it means or how to fix it. Carl is a waste. He is always making my job harder. His stuff is never right. I’ll get him to fix it…it’s his code. Oh – that’s right. Carl doesn’t get in the office until 8:30. But he’s probably awake. Even if he isn’t — I don’t care. I’ll find his cell number in his last email.”

When you bring up email, you notice several urgent emails from your 2nd line manager. You open those up and respond to a few other emails. In the meantime, other co-workers start to come in and you chat over some coffee.
8:45 am you see Carl coming down the hall and something triggers.

“I needed Carl for something. Oh darn! CARL!
Carl: “Hey! How are you?”
“Pitiful. The overnight run failed on stage 6 and the test results were due 2 days ago. I was able to get an extension for 9:00am today but ….”
Carl: “Dude – that’s in ten minutes. Why didn’t you call me sooner?”
“Yeah …. I ….”

Although you may not have experienced the exact scenario, but we all have time slip away because of a series of momentary distractions. Although at the time they are occurring they don’t seem sinister, but in a group they can be very destructive.

Stay tuned for the next installment (Replay with Time-boxing and Parking Lot method) to find out how to handle this situation better.

Subscribe to my weekly newsletter at http://eepurl.com/cZ9_-/

The weekly newsletter contains tips on:
1) Time management
2) Career maintenance
3) Business networking
4) Work life balance strategies

If you haven’t taken advantage of your introductory time management coaching session, please contact LauraRose@RoseCoaching.info

Your mission, if you choose to accept it….

In my GoTo Academy: Tools for the GoTo Guy and Gal class exercises, I ask my students to do the following:

  • First week, I ask my students to list three heroes (dead or alive) that they would like to meet (and why).
  • Every week thereafter,  I give my students a problem or scenario to solve or improve.
  • I then ask them to pretend to be one of their previously listed heroes.  They are to redo the previous exercise with their new mindset.

They are often surprised how their answers differed — even though their knowledge set, their environment, and their resources did not change.  They only thing they changed was their mindset or perspective.

Putting on the robe or attributes of your favorite heroes makes it easier to take that leap.

Your homework, if you choose to accept it:  When faced with a challenge, pretend to be one of your most admired mentors or Brainiacs.  What would they do?  How would they react or respond?  Pretending to be someone else makes it easier to think out of our default ‘box’ and take that leap.  And since we gravitate toward heroes that exhibit more of who we really want to be — we can’t lose.

p.s.  The best part is that no one needs to know that you are doing it.

Let me know what you think.

Asking the right question takes skill

I had a vivid dream last night.  In this dream, a friend was very proud of her published article in a certain magazine.  She asked me to read it.  I was very excited and was looking forward to a pleasant and proud read, “Sure, where is it?”

She hands me the magazine and says, “It’s in there”.

I start thumbing through the magazine.  The type was very small, and all the articles started with the same 6 words, making it:

1)      Very difficult to read, because the type was small and in italics.

2)      Time consuming, because all the article titles started the same.

I was squinting and found myself losing interest the longer I searched.  Then my self-doubt set in.  ‘Maybe I scanned the titles too quickly?  Maybe I misread some of the titles? Maybe I’ve actually passed the article?’  So I confessed, “I can’t seem to find the article in here.”

She quickly said, “It’s in there.”

The more I searched, the more impatient I became.  “I’m not seeing it.”

She was now getting frustrated, “It’s there.  Keep looking”.

By the time I found the article on page 101, I was not in the right frame of mind to read it.  At this moment I woke up with one question in my head: “Why didn’t I ask which page her article was on, in the first place?”

Asking the right question isn’t as easy as it sounds.  First – we need to recognize that an important question needs to be asked.  Second – we need to decide what that ‘important question’ would be.

In my dream, I was so caught up in the ‘action’ of finding the article that I did not pause to recognize my mounting frustration.  Although my initial goal was to pleasantly and proudly read my friend’s published article, it mutated into merely finding the article.  By the time I actually found it, I was neither pleasant nor excited.  Even though I found the article, I didn’t read it (failed at the essence of my goal).

One recommendation is to use your emotional trigger of frustration, or impatience as a sign that a question needs to be asked.

Try that trick and let me know what happens.  My June 5th newsletter article has examples on how to best use questions in your personal, professional and entrepreneurial roles.  Quickly subscribe to my weekly newsletter at http://eepurl.com/cZ9_-/  to get that edition.

If you liked this tips, more can be found at www.lauraleerose.com/blog or subscribe to my weekly newsletter at http://eepurl.com/cZ9_-/

The weekly newsletter contains tips on:

  1. Time management
  2. Career maintenance
  3. Business networking
  4. Work life balance strategies

If you haven’t taken advantage of your introductory time management coaching session, please contact LauraRose@RoseCoaching.info


Networking Dilemma: The Net Taker

As a success and business coach, I received the following question:

  • There is a person in your network who is smart, reliable and competent at what they do – providing a service that is highly specialized with few (if any) reliable competitors.
  • Over the years, you have referred this person many great clients and this person has always thanked you for this business. Further, without exception, the people you have referred have been ecstatic with the price and quality of service this person has provided, which reflects well on you.
  • The problem is that even though this person’s clients (and other contacts) could be great clients for you, this person has never referred you anyone. Not one. Never!
  • You have talked with this person about this and they openly acknowledge the lack of reciprocity. They assures you that it is nothing personal. This person does not refer anyone, as they simply have a personal policy against referring clients or making any referrals (of any sort) in general.

I recommended the following — but what would you have said?

Your first priority is to your client. If this “net taker” is truly the best person for your client’s situation, then focus on your client’s needs and go ahead and recommend the best person for their situation (until your find a suitable replacement). This way you are doing right by your important client or potential client.

In the meantime, continue to network with others that are expert in the “net taker’s” domain. When you find someone comparable with even more positive attributes, then you can confidently guide your clients appropriately.

Recognize that you have full control of this situation by finding other comparable experts. This “net taker” is not the only expert in their field. I recommend having an open conversation by saying “Mr/Ms X, I totally understand your positions and I want to continue to be sensitive to your principles. You are a dear friend and I value our relationship. In addition, I want to collaborate with someone of your caliber that is open to referral and recommendation reciprocation. I was wondering if you can help me in my goal. Who are your competitors? Who do you feel have similar expertise and is comfortable in reciprocating?” In this manner, you are telling them that your are openly looking for a replacement in your network for his/her position.

You are not trying to sway them in their principles, but you are being forthright in your decision to find a better referral match to your business goals. And there is nothing wrong with that.

5 Tips for managing cultural or process change in the workplace

 “When the student is ready, the teacher will appear”

Buddhist proverb

The most effective way to lead and mentor, is when the student is wanting or asking. An inherent problem occurs when you are mentoring or leading groups (such as in a corporation). Often times a company, division or department will adopt a new process or software life cycle method without regard to the culture or readiness of the employees. This creates a frustrating and possibly a “no-Win” position for anyone responsible for auditing or managing this process change.

Sometimes when people are having trouble with change, it is because they are not ready for the change. Forcing them in a direction that they are not ready for is more difficult than merely allowing them the time to adjust and continue to lead them in that direction. Allowing and recognizing the stages of acceptance are also important (see 10 Tips for dealing with change in the workplace for more information).

Some additional points to consider when leading folks toward a new culture, development lifecycle method or process:

  1. Acknowledge that it isn’t your responsibility to ‘force’ everyone to adapt to the change.
  2.  Share reason for the process change
  3. Celebrate even the smallest process successes.
  4. Ask for help
  5.  Lead by example

Read the full article at :

www.lauraleerose.com/5 Tips for managing process change in the workplace.pdf

Email or not to email – that is the question.

Have any of these happened to you?

  •  An email is sent at 4:00am to tell you that the 8:00am meeting location (for the same day) has changed.
  • You are waiting for your next private student and they never show.  When you return home, you find an email send 1-hour before the class saying that they will not be able to make it.
  • You need answers to some important project answers.  You continue to send email requests without success.  Your report is late.

Email is very convenient, but it’s not the best way to communicate time sensitive information.  In all three of the above examples, email isn’t the enemy but it contributes to the problem.

Some problems with the above examples:

  • Sending the message doesn’t assure that the message is received.
  • Avoid imposing and passing along your chaotic schedule onto others.  Consider that your late notices are the results of your poor planning, not the person’s that you just passed it along to with a quick email note.  In this example, you essentially “washed-your-hands” of your responsibility for your last minute change and left it up to the other person to manage it.
  • Sometimes emails can be lost and automatically filtered into junk or spam folders.  Don’t automatically assume that they are deliberately ignoring you.
  • Not everyone has email capability strapped to their belt or in their purse.  It may be several hours or until the next day before the message is actually received.

Many times we use this method to avoid conflict or embarrassment for something we are uncomfortable saying in person.  Many times we use email to simply cross a to-do item off our list.  The mistake is that we feel that once we “send” we are done.    As you can see from the above examples, that is not always the case.  Communication is (at minimum) a two-way street.   Your initiated email or text simply doesn’t complete the circuit.

An good way to avoid a mistake with email is to:  review why you are sending this message and what you hope to accomplish with it.  What is your goal?  Is the goal for them to actually receive the message and take some type of action?  Or are you merely giving some background information or reference material for later use?

Also consider:

  •  Would you be inconvenienced if they don’t get this message?
  • Would they be inconvenienced if they didn’t get this message?
  • Are you sending this email to avoid talking to them in person?
  • Are you deliberately ignoring their request for response to avoid conflict?

None of these are very good uses of email alone.

But how does one know when it’s appropriate to send an email message and when it’s not enough?  Some things to consider is the type of message, urgency and amount of lead time available.

Some good general communication rules:

  • Provide the recipient enough lead time to actually receive and respond (at least 2 business days).   If less than 2 days, call instead.
  • If 2 days passes without a response, switch to another (more urgent) form of communication preferably a phone call or a meeting.  This way you can get your response immediately through that interaction.  Both email and text is a delayed form of communication ( i.e:  send a one-way communication and wait minutes, hours, days, weeks for a response).
  • If you are not interested in continuing the relationship, respond “I’m not interested; please remove me from your subscription list; please remove me from this project; etc”.  Ignoring their emails in hopes that they will get the message is neither considerate nor effective.  They may be giving you the benefit of the doubt and are assuming that you are not receiving the communications.   Once you have explicitly stated that you are not interested and asked for them to stop all communication, and then most reasonable people will take you off their project status list.


Take the time to put yourself in the other person’s shoes.  If your positions were reversed, how you would like someone to notify you about a last moment change; how much time lead time would you like before you reschedule and rearrange your day;  how would you like the other person to deal with a difficult situation?

When your peer is now your boss (or visa-versa)…

As a business and success coach, I help people manage their career development. There will be times when someone is promoted from within their team or department.  At these times, there may be some initial strain when a fellow peer is now your boss (or visa-versa).  I find that appreciation in the workplace goes a long way in eliminating the awkwardness of these dynamics.

Teams work because of the diversity and skill set of each individual in the group. Whichever received the promotion, they received it because of the previous team dynamics. Therefore, every member of that team was somewhat responsible for that person’s promotion. The team will continue to succeed as long as they see themselves as a team.

With that in mind, consider these tips:

 When your peer becomes your boss:

1) Show appreciation for the individual talent and skill that got them promoted. AND acknowledge your strengths and your part in this promotion.

2) Congratulate them on their promotion and assure them that you will continue to support them and the team.

3) Share with them your understanding that they are now in a position to network and influence a higher level of management and oversee an expanded level of projects. With this in mind, outline your strengths and your career goals to your new boss. Your new boss has seen you in action (which is a positive), but possibly does not know your individual career and development plans. Share these with your new manager, so that they can continue to forward opportunities that match your desires as well as your abilities..

When you become the boss to your peers.

1) Show appreciation for their individual talent and skills. AND acknowledge that they were a large part of your promotion.

2) Ask for their help and support to continue to have the strongest team in their division.

3) Clarify your vision and mission for the team and ask for their ideas on how to accomplish these goals. Be clear in your direction, but continue to work as a team to accomplish the goals.

4) Share that this new opportunity for you also means new opportunities for them. Because of this promotion, you have access to departments and contacts that you didn’t have before. Convey that your goal is to appropriately share these contacts and opportunities with them. Invite them to share their career aspirations and goals — so that you can introduce and connect them with projects and teams that will get them to their goals..

As a success coach, I find this type of mindset deflects any awkwardness that people may anticipate.

If you need some one-on-one consult, please consider taking advantage of your free introductory coaching session.


Why put off until tomorrow, if you don’t have to?

I just had a glorious conversation with a great friend.  We were chatting about sales and marketing opportunities that would benefit both our business goals.  We were using Skype.com to video chat via iphone and computer.  She was in Rhode Island on vacation and I in North Carolina.  It was amazing.

At the end of the conversation, I asked permission to call her next week to get status on some of these action items we had been discussing.  Her response was, “Absolutely, but can you email me instead?”

My response, “Absolutely.”

When I hung up, I immediately brought up my email, itemized our action items and wrote my “next-week’s Check-up” email requesting status.   I then hit my “send-later” button and scheduled the delivery for next week (cc-ing myself in the process).

Conclusion:  I certainly could have opened my calendar and noted a reminder to  “email Jane Doe about status” on the proper day.  But then there would still be something left for me to do on that action item.   This way, it’s off my plate and my mind.

Check into the tools that you are already using.  See if there are any features that you can take advantage of like:

  • scheduled reminders;
  • send later;
  • auto-responders;
  • auto-filing
  • and auto-deleting.

Taking advantage of some of these features will save you time and give you peace of mind.

If you need help in deciding how to best handle some of these issues, please consider using your free introductory success coaching session.

The Secret To Time

Here’s a time management secret I’ve never shared with anyone before.  When you use it, you will be amazed how much longer time expands for you.   Sounds hard to believe?  Keep reading and I’ll prove my point to you.

As I mentioned above, I’ve never discussed this concept before because I felt it was too powerful to share.  But when my business partner and colleague, Theresa Corcoran (motivational speaker and author of Rebound and co-author of YES, You Can!) asked me to expand on this material further, I decided to include my fan-base in this secret as well.

 [box] Relax into Time[/box]

 Don’t take time so seriously.  This sounds odd coming from an efficiency and time management coach. I make my living assisting others be more effective with their time and with their work life balance strategies.  Turning around and telling those same folks to ignore time constraints and time limits seems counter-intuitive.  Isn’t that what time and project management is all about?

You are right.  Therefore, I am not suggesting we ignore time altogether.  I’m recommending using time simply as a tool to rendezvous with the important things in our lives: people, events, and opportunities that propel us forward faster.  Indulge in the knowledge that everything that MUST GET DONE will get done.  If it doesn’t get done, it was not a MUST DO.

[box] Play with Time[/box]

‘Play’ and ‘work’ are both four letter words, yet they illicit very different emotions. Incorporate ‘play’ into everything that you do.  Focus your time and attention on your deliberate activities until it is no longer fun.  Once you have depleted your inspired action for this particular sitting, playtime is over.  Take a break.  Move onto something else with the intention of returning later.

[box] Indulge Time[/box]

Colleagues wonder how I create so many articles, eBooks and videos in such quick fashion.  How do I find the time?  It’s not much of a trick.

I wonder.
I wonder.
And wonder some more.

Then one early morning I wake up with an inspired direction that I can’t fight (as if I would want to fight it).


If you have a clear direction and vision, even though you don’t have a detail understanding of how you are going to get there, normally things fall into place at exactly the right time.  Fussing and worrying about when it will appear is unproductive.  You will figure it out as you go along.

Think of it this way, if the answer is just around the corner; you need to be moving forward to greet it.  If you are stagnant, someone else will collect the prize.

Best News: If someone else collects that prize, another prize is just around the next corner. You don’t need to compete; you just need to keep moving.

If you enjoyed this article, similar articles can be found at Laura Lee Rose’s Professional Career Development Library  (or subscribe to this link http://eepurl.com/dUi81)

If you are interested in more detail professional coaching or a professional coach to help you stay on target with those goals, please consider one-on-one coaching sessions to propel you forward faster.

Copyright © 2012 www.LauraLeeRose.com

What would you do with 10 minutes?

If you were given an extra 10 minutes each day, what would you do with it?

Would you….

  • Fly a kite with the kids?
  • Help the needy?
  • Read an article?
  • Write a letter?
  • Ride a bike?
  • Kid a kidder?
  • Take a walk or swim?
  • Take a break?
  • Hug a friend?
  • Stretch?
  • Challenge yourself?
  • Laugh?
  • Organize your desk?
  • Sing?


Here’s your ten minutes. Do it NOW. Set your timer and indulge for 10 minutes in something that will propel you forward faster. 10 minutes a day can move mountains.