Are YOU having the best year ever?
Quarterback Play Program
Make Magic Your Norm
We accomplish our goals more easily when we share our commitments with external people or accountability partner. This new Quarterback program provides you with this additional assistance. At the first session, you define a well-balanced picture of what is truly important to you. Using this wish list, we will create a definition of “Your Best Year Ever”, along with the list of your team mates and milestone goal lines.
We then schedule an iterative review of your playbook (which could include your family, your career, your community, your relationship, your health, your creativity and artistic side, your inner self-development and growth). We will discuss your many accomplishments in those areas and future ways to keep you on target. As you change, you will discover that your desires will also change. We will continue to tweak and add to your playbook as you evolve, to keep it vital and relevant to you. These reviews will be scheduled in advance, in 3 month cycles independent on what part of the calendar year you start.
Introductory offer
The Quarterback package is currently $200 ($50 a session). The quarterly review sessions are normally done via phone and are 30 minutes in length, with unlimited email consultation included. You are guaranteed to be uplifted, and energized with renewed commitment after every review. As you continue to focus on your goals, you will continue to achieve them faster and be inspired to greater heights.
Isn’t it time to transform the life you have into the life you really want?