Winter is coming, and it often brings about a negative mood swing. Doctors have officially recognized the winter blues as a named, medical condition called Seasonal Affective Disorder, or SAD. Couple that with the increasing number of disengaged employee base, and we have a SAD office place.
A recent Gallup Poll disclosed startling statistics about the state of disengaged employee base. The survey found 54.7 percent of workers are “not engaged” and another 17.5 percent are “actively disengaged” with their jobs. That means that less than 30% are considered to be engaged with their work. The majority of those less engaged tend to be baby boomers and Gen Xers and tend to be with employees who have been at their company between 3 and 10 years.
There may be several reasons for the disengagement.
1) Employees are not taking full responsibility for their own career and professional development
2) Their current position is not aligned with their professional passions and goals; but are afraid to leave the job. They are convinced that they can not get the job of their dreams. Therefore, they disengage.
3) They listen to the news about the job market and feel that they need to stay where they are and not rock the boat.
Disengagement is directly associated with the feeling (or lack of feeling) of autonomy and empowerment. Most people have more power then they recognize. Most people have more options than they realize. But if you don’t believe that you have these choices available to you – then you feel trapped and then you disengage.
Partnering with a mentor(s) or success coach unlocks those limiting thinking. Look around the office to witness who, in your organization, seem energized and excited. Ask them “Why, What, Where, When and How”. Find local heroes and those you admire. Start up a mentor program of your own (both mentor someone and ask someone to mentor you). Designing an accountability partner (someone in your corner) is a good defense against winter time blues.