The easiest way to get a promotion is to prepare for a promotion.
The best way to prepare for a promotion is to follow these steps:
1) Clarify the role and promotion that you are seeking
2) Identify the appropriate attributes and skill levels required at that level
3) Do a self-assessment on where your skill sets and levels are in comparison to that level
4) Identify how to start filling in those skill gaps via getting mentors, volunteering your services, increasing your education, etc
5) Share your career goals with your managers, HR representative, co-workers, mentors, 2nd line managers, family and friends.
Another tips is to publish your accurate resume on LinkedIn and start networking with individuals who are already where you want to be.
Take the Get that Promotion Challenge and sign up for one of these online courses to get you there:
Career Boosting Resolutions at
Get that well deserved raise at
Creating your own Brand and Mission statements at