Radio interview with Kevin Price and the Price of Business

In a recent Price of Business radio show interview ( Kevin Price asked me a few questions regarding “What’s going on with communication?” This is a quick follow-up to that segment.  We didn’t really get into how change our behavior when met with difficult clients that fail to return calls or essentially “drop out of sight”.
If the seller is getting frustrated on how people are just leaving them hanging — it’s easier to change your (the seller in this example) MO than the buyer’s MO.
Some quick things the seller can do:
1) Write up a binder (a promise to sign a contract) before the buyer stops communicating.
Having the buyers signature and contact information on something – often pressures them to call you back to tell you that you are no longer interested.
2) Set timelines and deadlines on when the this particular deal will expire. Request a small deposit to hold this particular deal for a certain length of time. After that time, the price would go to the regular rate. This adds a level of urgency in the buyer’s mind.
3) Give them a free 14-day trial – using their credit card or payment information. If they like the product or service, the credit card gets charged after 14 days. But the buyer needs to contact them in some way to discontinue the service.
4) Follow-up and call them back after a few days of “no communication”. The seller takes on the responsibility for the follow-up. It takes two to “stop communicating”. But this means that the seller needs to consistently collect contact information during their initial conversation. If the seller allows the buyer to walk off without giving them any contact information – the seller didn’t do their job properly. Consistently gathering contact information allows the seller to not only follow-up with the buyer, but present them with other offers, newsletters, coupons, and other announcements.
5) Before you leave your client, realize that they will probably be shopping around for a better deal. That’s the arena that we are now living in – with the overabundance of internet and e-commerce sales. Buyers have the global market at their finger tips. So, simply state: “Hey, buddy. I realize that you will probably be shopping around for other deals. If you find a better offer, please give me the opportunity to match or better it. Please call me back and allow me to try to match or better it.
In general – if you are frustrated with someone else’s behavior, there are often things you can change in your behavior to offset their behavior.

Video of the previous interview: