Invitation to Join the 2012 Wish List Club

Hello, this is Laura Lee Rose – Corporate Exit Strategist for the blooming entrepreneur – and I am a business and life coach that specializes in Time Management, Project management training and work-life balance strategies.  Today I am spending time setting up for a magnificent 2012.  I am doing this by creating my 2012 Wish or Bucket list.

How would you like to create your own 2012 Wish or Bucket List?   Step one is to sign up for the 2012 Wish or Bucket List Club at   The intention is for those that want to succeed at even a faster pace to join this club to encourage and hold each other accountable.  Once you sign up, you will then receive additional instructions from there on where and how to write your 2012 Wish list.

Try to select 12 (and share only the ones that you feel comfortable with).  Once approved for the club,  we will each encourage and support each other in achieving those goals.   There will be no cost for joining this interchange. Continue reading

Career in a Slump? It’s Probably Time to Change Your Spark Plugs

Corporate Exiting Strategies for blooming entrepreneurs.
Helping others to easily transition into their next chapter whether it’s the next ladder of success within their corporate environment or into the entrepreneurial playground.

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If your career seems in a slump, it’s probably time to change your spark plugs.

Below is a 2-Part article designed to help IT and database professionals stay on top of their game in an ever-changing trade.  Part 1 describes the steps in general career perspectives.  Part 2 takes those same concepts and implements them in a specific IT scenario.  For more examples that fit your specific work environment, please feel free to contact

A car’s spark plug is quite simple in theory: It forces electricity to arc across a gap, just like a bolt of lightning.  The electricity must be at a very high voltage in order to travel across the gap and create a good spark.

Spark plugs use a ceramic insert to isolate the high voltage at the electrode, ensuring that the spark happens at the tip of the electrode and not anywhere else on the plug.#

The spark plug is essential to your car’s ignition. But spark plugs wear out over time. As they get older, they may not spark properly. The energy might be allowed to wonder and escape before it arrives at the appropriate place and level.  This affects your engine’s performance and results in a loss of power.

This engine concept is adaptable to our CAReers.

When your career is stalling and your performance is losing power, it’s time to change your spark plugs.  The ceramic inserts in your career spark plugs have worn out and are no longer allowing that energy to arc across the gap between “who you currently are” and “who you want to be”. Continue reading

Surrounding yourself with success

Professional development series

This is Laura Lee Rose, Corporate Exit Strategist for the blooming entrepreneur, and I am a business and life coach that specializes in professional development, time management, project management and work-life balance strategies. This is a segment from my Corporate Exit Strategy Leadership series

I’m driving back from a lovely weekend with a close friend. My friend’s son is twenty-one and living in her home rent-free. While I was there, my friend’s son had a series of good friends drop in throughout the weekend. Some spent the night and others had full access to the refrigerator, video games, etc. While my friend was happy that her son was safe, happy and had good friends, she was disappointed that he had quit his fast-food job. And he didn’t seem to be seriously looking for another position. He was taking some college classes but was currently taking a break. When his mom nags, he makes minimum motion toward filling out a job application at game/video retail shops. But it doesn’t seem to be self-initiated.

I certainly understood her frustration, so I asked, “He seems very popular. His friends seem very much at home here. Tell me more about them. Where do they live? What are they studying? Are they students in college? Do they have jobs? What are they passionate about?”

She shook her head and said, “Oh, they are very nice. They have known each other from high school. Matt shares an apartment with his brother. He doesn’t have a job. Joe lives with his grandmother. I don’t think he works. And Chris lives with his parents; he doesn’t go to school or work either…. “ Continue reading