How to climb the corporate ladder

Hello,   This is Laura Rose, author of the business and time management book: TimePeace: Making Peace with Time, the Book of Answers: 105 Career Critical Situations and Business Marketing for Entrepreneurs  is a certified business and efficiency coach.  And I specialize in professional development, career management, time management, and work life balance strategies.
Simply put, I give people the time to be, do and have whatever they want.
promotionI recently recieved the following questions about how to climb the corporate ladder.
1) What are three things you can do in the short term to show your boss you are management material?

   a) Continue to show leadership attributes in your weekly one-on-one meeting with your manager including: taking lead in your one-on-one management meeting agenda; initiating your performance discussion in the 1-on-1 manager meeting; initiating your career path and indivdual development goals in your one-on-one manager meetings; reporting status on your management self-study courses, etc.

   b) Continue to speak in clear, direct terms inregards to vision/goals, expected results that are aligned with the company’s bottom line, and contingency plans/risk management.   The critical responsible for any leader or manager is to clearly articulate the company vision and goals to their staff.  Then verifying that everyone on the team truly understand their roles in meeting those objectives.  You should be illustrating these same traits in every interaction.

  c) How you do anything – is how you do everything.  Be a leader (or example to others) in everything that you do.

2) What are three things you can do in the long term?
  a) Take any company approved management or leadership courses
  b) Have your manager spell out exactly what you need to accomplish to qualified and considered as a management candidate.  Then co-create (with your manager) your Independent Development Plan and Personal Business Commit plan (explained in more detail in the Professional Development Toolkit).  Get the documents approved and signed by your manager to make him a co-conspirator in your success.  Take the initiative to setup weekly or twice-a-month one-on-one manager meeting to report your progress and status.
   c) Continually review the job opportunities both in your department and out.  Most companies have a “open position” webpage.  Keep an eye out for different managerial positions in adjacent positions (positions that have similar traits to your background and experience).  Make sure your manager isn’t the only one that knows about your skills, talent and experience. Start volunteering your services to sibling departments and areas to increase your business contact sphere and your skillset.  Work with mentors that are already in the areas that you are interested in moving into.  Position yourself to be on the executives mind when an opporutnity does arrive.

3) What are three major mistakes people make when trying to climb the corporate ladder.
   a) Confusing “taking charge” with “leadership”.  Taking charge or trying to take control is counter-productive, especially if you are not the official team lead.  Rather, lead by example instead.
   b) Confusing leadership as “doing things right” and policing others.  Leadership is doing the right things (which is a different  emphasis than simply “correctly following policies and procedures”)

c) Forcing, pleading, persuading people to follow you.  Leaders’ followers (or fanbase) already are aligned with the leader’s vision, mission and goals.  Since the followers’ already agree with the direction and ultimate goal and the leader already trusts in his/her team’s talent, skill and craft, all the leader has to do is provide a clear direction to his crew.

I go into detail in the Professional Development Toolkit  and Get that Well-Deserved Raise online course.

Check out the other online courses on this topic:

How do you know when it is time to ask for a raise?

Hello,   This is Laura Rose, author of the business and time management book: TimePeace: Making Peace with Time, the Book of Answers: 105 Career Critical Situations and Business Marketing for Entrepreneurs  is a certified business and efficiency coach.  And I specialize in professional development, career management, time management, and work life balance strategies.Simply put, I give people the time to be, do and have whatever they want.
I recently recieved the following questions about when to ask for a raise.  If you do the following things, it will be easy to ask for that well-deserved raise.
  • How do you know when it is time to ask for a raise?
  • When making their case, what are the key points you suggest an employee hit?
  • What are the biggest mistakes employees make when asking for a raise?
  • How do you advise an employee prove their worth without bragging or coming across ungrateful?

It’s time to ask for a raise, when you have the following items completed:

1) You have done your homework by knowing the salary range of your role,duties and responsibility  ( gives you some salary range).  Make sure you are comparing the salary to the tasks, roles, duties and responsibilities that you are performing (versus a job title).  Often times you may be doing Senior Level responsibilities, but your official title is just Level 1

2) You can tangibly and quantifiably show (with numbers and percentage) your individual and team contributes to the company’s bottom line.  This means you can show (with backup data) how much money you made or saved the company.  Regardless of your role or company industry, companies are in the business to make money.  Therefore, every action of every employee can be directly associated with money made or saved.
3) You have investigated the employment climate regarding your role.  This means that you have met with external recruiters to verify that your position is still very relevant, sustainable and valued in the current economy.
4) Outline the additional certifications, licenses, continuing education and training that you have received since your last salary increase.  Quantifiably and tangibly show (with numbes and percentage) how those additional skills, experience, and competence increased your productivity, proficiency, and performance.
5) Be prepared to ask for a promotion.  One of the best ways to ask for a raise is to be actually performing at the next performance level.  If you can tangibly show that you are already working at the next performance level (next promotion level), it makes the salary increase discussion much easier.Alternatives to asking for a raise is to focus on your next promotion level.  Meet with your manager to outline exactly what you need to accomplish and deliver to achieve your next promotion.  Create an Individual Development Plan and a Professional Business Commitment plan that explicitly outline your manager’s expectations and how you plan to acquire those skills and experience.  By making your manager your co-conspirator in your career development, you will have less stressful salary and performance discussions.  It will go from “feeling like you are bragging” — to “checking off your agreed upon list”.

I go into detail in the Professional Development Toolkit  and Get that Well-Deserved Raise online course.

How to find a specific job at a specific company

Hello,   This is Laura Rose, author of the business and time management book: TimePeace: Making Peace with Time, the Book of Answers: 105 Career Critical Situations and Business Marketing for Entrepreneurs  is a certified business and efficiency coach.  And I specialize in professional development, career management, time management, and work life balance strategies.
Simply put, I give people the time to be, do and have whatever they want.
I recently recieved the following question about find a specific job at a specific company:
  • If a job seeker is determined to work at a specific company, what can he do to increase his chances for success?
  • Who should he be reaching out to?
  • What kinds of research should he be doing?
  • How should he approach applying?
  • Should he focus on a specific job posting or just reach out to HR to show general interest in working for the company?

leveraginglink3With the advent of (professional social media app), it’s easier to research positions, employees, and company work environment details.  If you are determined to work at a specific company, start business networking with those that work in that company.  Use to identify different employees, at various roles and responsibilities.   Start building a business relationship by using your current linkedin contacts to create warm introductions to your new contact targets.

I outline the steps in the online class “Leveraging Links”.

Check out the other online courses:

When to say “no” to a client

Hello,   This is
Laura Rose, author of the business and time management book: TimePeace: Making Peace with Time, the Book of Answers: 105 Career Critical Situations and Business Marketing for Entrepreneurs  is a certified business and efficiency coach.  And I specialize in professional development, career management, time management, and work life balance strategies.Simply put, I give people the time to be, do and have whatever they want.

I recently recieved the following question about when to say “no” to a client.  I advocate saying “YES” to everything but on your own terms.  Read below for some examples.
1) When should you say no to a client?

    Since you are using the word “client” and not “potential client” – I am assuming that you are already working with this person and something has come up that is not in your wheel-house or expertise.  In this example, you always have your client’s best interest in mind.   Saying “YES” in this example may mean that you find someone else more suited for their need.  You refer him/her to one of your qualified affiliates. 

You want to always give your client the best, and sometimes the “best” is someone else.

2) How do you not lose the client’s future business?
You do not lose the client’s future business but keeping their best interest in mind.  If you are always doing your best (and sometimes your best is to refer them to someone else), you will be rewarded greatly.    You want the client to be totally satisfied at all time.  Therefore, if/when you do refer them to someone else – continue to touch base to make sure your client is totally satisfied with their results.  If they feel that the referal isn’t a great fit, ask and fine-tune their exact requirements.  Find out what is not working.   Then recommend someone else that meets those new requirements.  If you become an opportunity-agent to your client, your client will always return to you.

3) Is there a way to refuse business without offending the client?
Acknowledge that your main goal and purpose is to satisfy the client.  This doesn’t mean that you have to be the one doing the work.  This means that at the end of the day, the client needs to be totally satisfied.  They don’t care if you are the one that solves their issue or someone else.  As long as you provide them the answer (even if it’s sending them to a qualified supplier), you are servicing your client.
The key is to create affiliated partners, joint partners and business referal programs.  This allows you to become the one-stop-shop for your high-profile clients.  They know that you will get them what they need.  You may not know all the answers, but you know where to go to get all the answers.
4) What are the drawbacks of taking on business you don’t feel is a fit for your company?
The adage “Jack of all trades, Master of none” comes to mind.  If you take on a task that is outside your area of genious, you will not be providing high-quality service.  It will take you longer to deliver.  And you will be resenting the time spent on this task. This will affect both your demeanor to the client and your client satisfaction rating.  Your client may not tell you directly, but they will tell others about their disappointment in your product or service.  They will not only “not” refer you but actually recommend people to stay away from your establishment.
  For every 1 official complaint you receive, that client is telling at least 10 other people.  This is also true for every compliment that you receive.


How to rebuild confidence after you have been out of work for some time

Hello, this is Laura Lee Rose – author of the business and time management books TimePeace: Making peace with time  and The Book of Answers: 105 Career Critical Situations– and I am a business and efficiency coach that specializes in time management, project management and work-life balance strategies.  Stephen Wynkoop and I regularly meet on professional development topics. Our interviews can be found at Laura Rose Career Management Series

This week’s topic was “How to rebuild confidence after you have been out of work for some time”

We can have a gap in our resume in a couple of ways:

1)    We are out of work (either by chose or otherwise)

2)    We have been continuously employed but not in the field of our choice.

In either case, employers may hesitate because the fear that technology has passed us by; our skills are obsolete; and we are no longer relevant.

The best way to build confidence after you has been out of work for some time is to actually accomplish tangible and tactile things while you are out of work.   Identify your goals for self-improvement in regards to health, education, presentation skills, networking, and family.  Then accomplish those goals.  Most employers like to hire self-motivated people that can solve their own problems.  By using this gap in employment for some self-assessment and self-improvement (while you are still job searching) is a good use of your time.

Since the main reason for employer’s hesitation in an employment gap is the ability to stay relevant in today’s ever-changing technology, the best advice is to stay relevant regardless of what type or how the gap occurred.  You can do this by:

  • Use the gap to learn a new skill, achieve a certification or license
  • Stay active in your profession by volunteering your services to nonprofits or service communities
  • Teach at a local community college,
  • Create online courses in your field of expertise.
  • Speak at local professional organizations or conferences
  • Write articles, blogs or eBooks in your field of expertise
  • Develop YouTube presentations, demos or prototypes as proof of your new skill set.
  • Create a portfolio or press kit of your accomplishments during the gap

Note: If you are volunteering, make sure you are working in the area that will assist you in your job search.  For instance, if you volunteer for the ASPCA and are a web designer – don’t take on the task of emptying out the litter box.  Instead, work on their website, assist with their SEO and engine optimizations, or automate their manual office duties.  Accept tasks that are in line with your next job description.

Then update your resume with your new skills and links to your articles, videos, apps, etc.

The employer’s fear of the “gap” is that you have fallen out of touch with your field.  If you can show that you have sharpened your skills (during the gap), then you have tangible evidence that you are not only still relevant in your field but an expert.

Where do I place these volunteering and other activities in the resume?

Remember that your resume isn’t a list of all your “paid” employment.  It’s a place to highlight your skills and talents.  The fact that you didn’t get paid for your services does not detract from your experience and expertise.   I would place all the relevant professional skills at the top of your resume.  I would also include them in your Work Experience.

The resume doesn’t highlight the salary for each position.  It just highlights your ability and skills.

In the IT Professional Development Toolkit, I go into the: who, what, where, when and how to accomplish all of the above. I also have a transferable skill worksheet.

Also following online courses:

12 Tips for Realistic Scheduling
10 Tips for Telecommuters
 10 Career Boosting Resolution Laser Lesson

10 Hidden Time Waster Laser Lesson

Get That Well-Deserved Raise Laser Lesson
Professional Development Toolkit
It’s a SNAP – Social Networking Accelerated Process for business networking

Or sign up for my weekly Time and Career Management Newsletter at:

Advice for people who want to do a 180° career change

CareerChange-300x300Hello, this is Laura Lee Rose – author of the business and time management books TimePeace: Making peace with time  and The Book of Answers: 105 Career Critical Situations– and I am a business and efficiency coach that specializes in time management, project management and work-life balance strategies.  Stephen Wynkoop and I regularly meet on professional development topics. Our interviews can be found at Laura Rose Career Management Series

This week’s topic was “Advice for people who want to do a 180° career change”

What steps do you take to succeed?

Very rarely is that 180° degree career change.  Even when you think you are doing a complete change in careers, you carry with you a set of transferable skills that translate nicely into the next new chapter of your life.  The recommendation is to highlight those shared traits and illustrate how they were the foundations of your next step.  Don’t highlight the differences in your career choices.  Instead highlight the similarities.  Make them understand that this “new career” is the natural next logical step in your advancement (not something totally new).

Some examples of transferable skills can be (but not limited to):

  1. Organizational skills
  2. Multitasking
  3. Project management
  4. Customer Service and Satisfaction
  5. Customer Advocacy
  6. Writing/Editing
  7. Creating/Innovation
  8. Process Improvement – Quality Assurance
  9. Detail oriented
  10. Problem Solving
  11. Solution oriented
  12. Time management


Even a pastry chef and a surgeon (careers you may feel have nothing in common) will have transferable skills in common.  It is the transferable skills that make us excel in a multitude of environments.

What’s the first step in transitioning into a different career?

One recommendation is to start building your Press Kit or portfolio on your new career now, when you are still in your current career.  The assumption is that you are already following your passions in the form of a side-job or hobby.  Take that hobby to the next step.

For instance, what if your new ‘wish list’ career is that pastry chef?  Chances are that you are already baking for your family and friends.  You are already conducting catering service for your community of followers.  There are several steps you can take, while you are still in your current career.

1)    Take pictures and video of your pastry and catering events.

2)    Create your pastry website, logo and brand

3)    Create your brochures and business cards

4)    Collect testimonials from friends, family and your community

5)    Create your facebook and linkedin social media pages

6)    Take culinary classes in your desired wish list career

7)    Start blogging and send out social media posting that illustrate your expertise

8)    Publicize that you are available for catering events

9)    Collaborate with other entrepreneurs and offer to cater their catalyst events

10) Give your pastry as appreciation gifts at your office

11) Offer to cater the office parties and meetings

12) Create your pastry business plan

13) Create a resume based on your graphics experience and client testimonials

The goal is to start building and collecting the proper experience and resume, while you are still in your current career.

What if you are current a teacher’s assistant and you want to break into graphic design.

  • Highlight your training materials and your PowerPoint and graphic tools used in your previous teaching position.
  • Highlight and/or create a portfolio of your graphic designs and presentations.
  • Obtain your certification in graphic designs.
  • Offer your services to some non-profits or small business owners.  Then use their testimonials in your portfolio.
  • Update your social media pages with your graphic designs
  • Create a resume based on your graphics experience and client testimonials

The goal is to jump from engineer to management.  What steps to you take?

  • Take leadership and management course
  • Offer your services to sibling departments
  • Propose a money-saving project and lead it
  • Create a small team on your project idea and lead it
  • Accept a project management position for a non-profit or community volunteer position.
  • Update our resume with these experiences


Final tip is to create an Individual Development Plan.  Outline your gaps between where you are and where you want to be.  Identify the steps, tools, studies or certifications that you need to accomplish those goals.  And setup your milestones, deadlines, accountability partners, and reasonable forcing functions to assure success.

In the IT Professional Development Toolkit, I go into the: who, what, where, when and how to accomplish all of the above. I also have a transferable skill worksheet.

Also following online courses:

 12 Tips for Realistic Scheduling
10 Tips for Telecommuters
 10 Career Boosting Resolution Laser Lesson

 10 Hidden Time Waster Laser Lesson

 Get That Well-Deserved Raise Laser Lesson
Professional Development Toolkit
It’s a SNAP – Social Networking Accelerated Process for business networking

 Or sign up for my weekly Time and Career Management Newsletter at:


Use that Gap in Your Employment to your advantage

This is Laura Lee Rose, a business and efficiency coach that specializes in professional development, time management, project management and work-life balance strategies.  The Professional Development Toolkit package covers professional development and real-world IT topics in detail. If you are interested in inexpensive training in these areas,get signed up

I recently received the following questions:
  • How can a job seeker best explain gaps in their resume?
  • What’s the best way for a job seekers to jump back into the workforce after an absence – either planned or otherwise?
  • How does one build confidence after you have been out of work for some time.
Gaps in a resume could be in a couple of forms:

1) an employment gap (out of work)

2) working away from your chosen profession  (not your chosen industry or position)

Even if you have been continually working, but not working in your chosen field or industry, you may feel nervous about applying for that new job.

The best way to build confidence after you have been out of work for some time, is to actually accomplish tangible and tactile things while you are out of work.   Identify your goals for self-improvement in regards to health, education, presentation skills, networking, and family.  Then accomplish those goals.  Most employers like to hire self-motivated people that can solve their own problems.  By using this gap in employment for some self-assessment and self-improvement (while you are still job searching) is a good use of your time.

Since the main reason for employer’s hesitation in an employment gap is the ability to stay relevant in today’s ever-changing technology, the best advice is to stay relevant regardless of what type or how the gap occurred.  You can do this by:

  • Use the gap to learn a new skill, achieve a certification or license
  • Stay active in your profession by volunteering your services to nonprofits or service communities
  • Teach at a local community college,
  • Create online courses in your field of expertise.
  • Speak at local professional organizations or conferences
  • Write articles, blogs or ebooks in your field of expertise
  • Develop YouTube presentations, demos or prototypes as proof of your new skill set.
  • Create a portfolio or press kit of your accomplishments during the gap
Then update your resume with your new skills and links to your articles, videos, apps, etc.
The employer’s fear of the “gap” is that you have fallen out of touch with your field.  If you can show that you have sharpened your skills (during the gap), then you have tangible evidence that you are not only still relevant in your field but an expert.

In the Professional Toolkit, I provide worksheet, templates and guidance on how to accomplish these things.    In my Book of Answers: 105 Career Critical Situations, I have 105 work-life scenarios like the above.  The scenarios show how to accomplish your goals in similar situation.
For more information on how to get this toolkit or the “Book of Answers“, please contact

Don’t shy away from asking for a raise

Now that it’s 2014, performance evaluation and pay raises are dancing in people’s head.  If you are like many, it’s been awhile since you’ve seen a pay increase.  Therefore, one of your 2014 Career goals should be to “not to shy away from asking for a raise.” 

Some quick tips:

1) Do your homework.  Understand where your current pay compares to the salary ranges for your title and region. can provide that information.

2) Quantify your individual and team job performance in regards to the company goals.  Illustrate how much money your work saved the company, or created for the company. Show tangible results in regards to increase customer satisfaction, customer loyalty, and customer referrals.

3) Understand the responsibilities of your grade and pay level.  Understand the responsibilities of the next level.  Highlight as many responsibilities that you accomplish from the higher pay-grade or band level.  Employers expect their employees to do excellent work in their assigned pay-grade and responsibilities.   By doing what they expect – gives you a Meet Expectations performance grade.   By doing things below your pay-grade (even though those items are assigned to you and no one else will do them) gets you a Performing Below Expectations. 
By doing things above your pay-grade gets Exceeds Expectations and that raise.

You will feel more confident in asking for a raise if you can show tactile and tangible measurements of your individual and team contributions.  Talk in $$ or % increase/decrease  (in numbers) when outlining your results.
I have a full online course on this topic.  Check out the Get That Well-Deserved Raise Laser Lesson
Other topics the Get That Well-Deserved Raise Laser Lesson  covers are:
  • What’s the best time to ask for a raise? –
  • What materials should you have prepared when asking for a raise? –
  • What’s the best way to ask for a raise?
  • What’s a good way to phrase your request for a pay raise?
  • How can you figure out the right range, figure or percent to ask for? What’s too high? What’s too low?

Employers that interview but never hires.

This is Laura Lee Rose, a business and efficiency coach that specializes in professional development, time management, project management and work-life balance strategies.  In my Professional Development Toolkit package , I go into professional development and real-world IT topics in detail. If you are interested in more training in these areas, get signed up

 I know the usual reasons for not hiring a particular individual, such as under-qualification or just-not-a-fit; but what are the reasons employers interview and then decide not to hire anyone?

There are often different reasons why employers interview and then don’t hire.  Because reasons are normally asynchronous to the hiring process, they are less evident.

Since the interview process takes time and money (from advertizing for the position, filtering and sorting incoming resumes, initial candidate screening and the interview meeting),no company goes into this process with the idea that “they do not intend to really hire anyone”.  They enter this process with the full intention of finding good candidates and eventually a good employee.

But because this process takes time, things can change during the interview process itself.  The longer it takes to find someone, the higher the risk of something changing.
Some things that they may realize during the interview process are:

1) The longer it takes to find the right person, the higher the risk that they realize that this position isn’t as critical as first thought.  They may feel that they are doing fine without the extra hand.  After viewing several candidates, they realize that they rather train and promote from within. Or they find that they have actually completed the project that they were trying to hire.
2) The position disappears because of an re-organization or business strategy change. It could be combined with some other role or eliminated altogether.
3) A new project management strategy is instituted such that either the schedule is extended to allow the current resources to handle the added tasks; or the project scope is diminished such that the current resources are satisfactory.
4) A hiring freeze was just initiated.
5) A different way of subsidizing the resources is implemented instead. This could be a short-term contractor, an affiliated partner is providing the service (outsourcing), the company decides to eliminate that service altogether (and refer clients to their referral partners)

It’s important for job seekers to not take it personally, and work hard to stay on these potential employer’s radar.  Things change – which means things will change again.  If you stay on their radar (through continued business networking techniques), when things change back again, you are on the top of their Rolodex.

In the Professional Toolkit, I provide worksheet, templates and guidance on how to accomplish these things.    The Book of Answers: 105 Career Critical Situations  contains 105 work-life scenarios like the above.  The scenarios show how to accomplish your goals in similar situation.

For more information on how to get this toolkit or the “Book of Answers” email

3 resolutions job seekers should make for 2014

3 resolutions job seekers should make for 2014

1)  In addition to cleaning up your digital footprint on your various social networks, increase your professional exposure on those same networks.  For instance, upgrade your account to the pro account for better access to people you don’t currently know but want to know; create video presentations on YouTube to illustrate your expertise, professionalism and ease of conveying difficult concepts to others.

2) Start clearly articulating your career goals to at least one person every day.  Don’t just use your 30 second or elevator speech at official networking events.  Use it everywhere and at everyone you meet from standing in line at the grocery store to attending sporting events.

3) Ask other people about their career goals at least once a day.  Collecting data on what other people are interested in and working on provides you an easy way to introduce your  transferable talents into the conversation.  Promoting your transferable skills (skills that are useful in various roles and positions) expands your job opportunities past just one career position.

The best way to follow-through on these things is to create a Marketing and Client Attraction Plan (included in the Professional Development Toolkit).   This plan outlines the type of people you want to network with, how often you want to network with them, and actually mark the dates/times on your calendar in which you will be doing these activities.  Setting up an accountability partner (like a spouse, friend, business coach) such that you have an external commitment to follow-through is another way to stay on track.

If you are interested in this type of information, check out some of the online courses (many are free) at Udemy.