How to stress less throughout the day 

This question came from a busy professional.

How to stress less throughout the day 
What are some tips for a busy woman regarding how to stress less throughout the day? What are some
ways in the morning, afternoon, and night that you can relax a little more — physically, mentally, emotionally? Easy ways and easy to remember!

There are a few things we all can do to reduce stress throughout the day.

Stress and strain is often generated by working or worrying about something for an extended period of time.   Therefore, breaking up your day and changing focus several times a day will reduce stress throughout the day.

Some things to try:

  • Take regular breaks
  • Listen to some music while working
  • Schedule stretch and breathing breaks
  • Put on the Do Not Disturb sign
  • Incorporate Agendas into everything
  • Schedule Professional Development time during your week
  • Mind your own business

Take a Regular Breaks

A break is merely a change from what you were previously doing.   It doesn’t necessarily mean to stop working (although you could).  It could mean to change focus to a new project or merely pausing on your current project to report the status of that project.

Some examples are:

  1. Take a walk around the office or parking lot
  2. Check in with a client or co-worker on a different project
  3. Take stock on the progress that you have already made on the current project

Listen to music while working

Music sooths the savage beast.  Therefore, listen to some music while you work.  It is virtually impossible to be stressed out while humming.


Schedule stretch and breathing breaks

Set your Fitbit or timer to take regular stretching and breathing exercises.  Oxygen is a great stress reducer.   Stretching and breathing exercises sends oxygen to your important muscles (including your brain).  These stretches and breathing exercises can be done at your desk or during your walking breaks.

Put on the Do Not Disturb sign

Just because an event is happening “now” doesn’t mean that it is urgent.  It merely means that the event is happening now.  Endless interruptions cause stress.   Therefore, eliminate or reduce interruptions by blocking out time to actually work.

Some things to consider:

  • Block time to turn off the phone and ignore the email.
  • Make sure others are aware of your “Do Not Disturb”
  • Respect your DND time. If you can’t respect it, no one else will

Incorporate Agendas into everything

Stress is often generated when you feel out of control.  One trick is to incorporate an Agenda into everything you do.  We are used to meeting agenda but this strategy works well for most everything.

Simple meeting agenda includes:

  • Purpose or goal of the meeting: What you want to accomplish by end of a meeting
  • Attendees of the meeting: People that are required for the meeting to have a successful conclusion
    • If they are not in attendance, the meeting does not happen
  • Time length of the meeting: How long you are spending on this meeting
    • After the time has expired, schedule a different meeting to continue
  • Agenda topics: List only the topics that are required to accomplish the meeting goal.
    • Other topics are scheduled for another meeting
  • Summary: Review of what was accomplished, what is outstanding, action items with owners and timeline

These items work well for most anything.

Take a work task.  Before you start on the task, create the following agenda.

  • Purpose: Outline the goal or purpose of the task. What will be the results?
    • Identify the success criteria upfront – before you start
    • If you hit the success criteria early, STOP
    • If you don’t know the success criteria, you don’t know when to STOP
  • Attendees: Who will it benefit and what do you need to complete the task?
    • If you don’t have all the information, reschedule to project
    • If you don’t have all the information, your new task is to get all the information
  • Time Length: How long with the task take and how much will it cost?
    • Take the time upfront to estimate the time and cost of the task
  • Agenda Topic: What are the minimum actions you need to take to accomplish the task?
    • Scrutinize all your steps
    • If a step doesn’t support the overall goal, it is an unnecessary step
    • Omit all unnecessary steps
  • Summary: After the estimated time passes, what items our outstanding, what do you need to complete it and who do you need it from.
    • Report progress against the original goal
    • If you didn’t take the time to outline the goal upfront, you can’t effectively report your progress

Schedule Professional Development time during your week

Another way to take control is to be the owner of your own destiny or professional development.  Create your individual professional development plan.  Schedule training and development time during the week to work on your advancement goals.

Mind your own business

Stress can also be caused by imaginary problems and issues.  Lots of stressful things that come up during the workday are actually none of your business.  Stay focused on your individual roles and responsibility.  Respect other people’s competency and allow them to complete their tasks.  Abandon the idea that “if you want something done right, you have to do it.”

If the item is actually a “MUST DO” – it will get done by someone.  You don’t have to do it.

I know your situation is different.  If you would like additional information on this topic, please contact

I am a business coach and this is what I do professionally.  It’s easy to sign up for a complimentary one-on-one coaching call, just use this link

With enough notice, it would be my honor to guest-speak at no cost to your group organization.