How introverts can become managers

how introverts can break into a manager role even though they aren’t the most aggressive/outspoken?
The best way to become a good manager (regardless of being an introvert or extravert) is to focus on service:  service to your employees.  Introverts and extraverts have one think in common.  They spend too much time thinking about themselves.  An introvert is fearful of what people are thinking about them.  The extravert wants people to be thinking about them.  In both cases, it’s all about “them”.

Whether you are an introvert or extravert – the recommendation is the same:

1) Illustrate that your focus is not on yourself, but for the benefit of the employee, client and company.

2) Error on service to others; what you can do for your department, your team, your executive level and your clients

3) Quantify your performance in regards to client satisfaction, increased revenue, reduced time to market and employee retention.

Spend more time on learning about others.  Focus on doing the right thing instead of doing things right.

GET out of your own head, and get into theirs.

Getting out of your own heads helps with your introvert tendencies; getting into theirs helps with your management skills.
For more tips on how to breakdown the strengths introverts usually possess that make them successful leaders and tips on helping them navigate office politics and professional opportunities that will lead to managerial promotions; why not setup an introductory success coaching session.  This way I can learn more about your unique situation and give you customized next step recommendations.

To setup an appointment, go to